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Calendar Link Generator
Calendar Link Generator
Generate 'Add to Calendar' links for popular calendar services. Create and share event links for Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, and more.
Calendar Link Generator
Yu-Core/SwashbucklerDiary: 侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。"SwashbucklerDiary" is an open source cross-platform local diary app using MAUI Blazor .
Yu-Core/SwashbucklerDiary: 侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。"SwashbucklerDiary" is an open source cross-platform local diary app using MAUI Blazor .
侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。"SwashbucklerDiary" is an open source cross-platform local diary app using MAUI Blazor . - Yu-Core/SwashbucklerDiary
Yu-Core/SwashbucklerDiary: 侠客日记是一个开源、跨平台的本地日记app,使用MAUI Blazor 构建。"SwashbucklerDiary" is an open source cross-platform local diary app using MAUI Blazor .
Cateners/tiny_computer: Click-to-run debian 12 xfce on android for Chinese users, with fcitx pinyin input method and some useful packages preinstalled. No termux required.
Cateners/tiny_computer: Click-to-run debian 12 xfce on android for Chinese users, with fcitx pinyin input method and some useful packages preinstalled. No termux required.
Click-to-run debian 12 xfce on android for Chinese users, with fcitx pinyin input method and some useful packages preinstalled. No termux required. - Cateners/tiny_computer
Cateners/tiny_computer: Click-to-run debian 12 xfce on android for Chinese users, with fcitx pinyin input method and some useful packages preinstalled. No termux required.
免费天气 API - WeatherAPI.com
免费天气 API - WeatherAPI.com
WeatherAPI.com free weather API and weather data and Geolocation API (JSON and XML) for hourly, daily and 15 min interval weather, historical data, bulk request, astronomy, sports and much more.
免费天气 API - WeatherAPI.com
Memories - Memories
Memories - Memories
Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Free and open source Nextcloud app.
Memories - Memories
APK Downloader for PC
APK Downloader for PC
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APK Downloader for PC