Comparison of Android ROMs
MRepoApp/MRepo: A modules manager for Magisk & KernelSU
A modules manager for Magisk, KernelSU and APatch.
chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix:修复 Play Integrity(和 SafetyNet)判决。
Fix Play Integrity (and SafetyNet) verdicts.
JunioJsv/mtk-easy-su: Get bootless root access with few clicks.
Get bootless root access with few clicks.
ProtonAOSP · Minimal Android fork for design and performance
ProtonAOSP is a minimal Android fork (custom ROM) focused on design, user experience, and performance, with a touch of privacy.
MuntashirAkon/AppManager:适用于 Android 的全功能包管理器和查看器
A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android - MuntashirAkon/AppManager
saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended: Pixel Launcher Extended is a Magisk module by TeamFiles with many cool features.
Pixel Launcher Extended is a Magisk module by TeamFiles with many cool features. - saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended
Telegram: Contact @magiskmod_update
Checks updates of Magisk Modules directly from the repo as soon as its published. Support the channel:
axonasif/rusty-magisk: Magisk support layer for android-x86
Magisk support layer for android-x86.
LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal: Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android)
Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) - LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal
GitHub - wanam/YouTubeAdAway:Xposed模块在官方YouTube Android应用程序上阻止YouTube广告 --- GitHub - wanam/YouTubeAdAway: Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App
Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App - wanam/YouTubeAdAway
Magisk Modules Alternative Repository
An alternative to Magisk-Modules-Repo with fewer restrictions. Now larger than the original!
Magisk Modules Repo - 100s of the Best Magisk and KernelSU Modules - Androidacy
The Androidacy Magisk Modules Repo is your go-to source for reliable, secure magisk modules and KernelSU Modules to enhance your android.
pranshoe/Magisk-Monet: The Magic Mask for Android but Material You
The Magic Mask for Android but Material You.
LineageOS – LineageOS Android Distribution
LineageOS Android Distribution
Seal APK v1.11.3 下载 Android 版(官方)
Download Seal APK Latest Version for Android and Download Videos from Thousndeds of Websites without any Advertisement.
Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos - ente-io/ente
APK Editor for PC and Mac – APK Editor Studio
Powerful yet easy to use APK editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Change Android app icon, title, translations, and other resources.
APK Downloader for PC
Download the latest free and paid Android apps directly from the Google Play online store with the Raccoon APK Downloader. Faster and safer than Evozi or any other online APK downloader.
zacharee/InstallWithOptions: Simple-ish app using Shizuku to install APKs on-device with advanced options
Simple-ish app using Shizuku to install APKs on-device with advanced options - zacharee/InstallWithOptions
App Finder - Google Play 上的应用
Advanced search for Android apps. Many filters & sortings. Detailed result list.
kha7iq/pingme: PingMe is a CLI which provides the ability to send messages or alerts to multiple messaging platforms & email.
PingMe is a CLI which provides the ability to send messages or alerts to multiple messaging platforms & email. - kha7iq/pingme
tasy5kg/CuteGIF:将视频转换为 GIF。简单快捷。
Convert video to GIF. Simple and fast.
alexrintt/kanade: Android app to extract apks from installed apps.
Android app to extract apks from installed apps.
Direct download from Google Play
Adds APK-DL, APKPure, APKCombo, APKPremier, APKMirror and Evozi download buttons to Google Play Store when browsing apps.
Lucky Patcher V11.2.4 Download Latest APK - [OFFICIAL WEBSITE]
Download Lucky Patcher APK for Android. It is a free Android app to mod apps and games, block ads, uninstall system apps, etc.
Tornaco/Thanox: I am thanos! 😈 👌
I am thanos! 😈 👌.