Hermit — Lite Apps Browser - Google Play 上的应用
Advanced Web Browser for Power Users, optimized for Lite Apps & Privacy
首页 | 去浮肿者
The homepage of De-Bloater
Notification Maker - Google Play 上的应用
Allows you to create custom notifications as reminders.
WSTxda/Compass-QS-Tile: Compass quick settings tile for Android QS painel
Compass for you quick settings tile painel.
lihenggui/blocker: An useful tool that controls android components
Utilize an integrated firewall to manage application components. - lihenggui/blocker
Felix Hollederer / QuickTiles · GitLab
Android Quick Settings Tiles
KieronQuinn/Smartspacer: Smartspacer is a customisable widget for Android, but with a difference: It can upgrade the built in At a Glance on Pixels - without root!
Smartspacer is a customisable widget for Android, but with a difference: It can upgrade the built in At a Glance on Pixels - without root! - KieronQuinn/Smartspacer
uazo/cromite: Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser!
Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser! - uazo/cromite
Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation: Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device. - Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-andr...
msasikanth/pinnit: Pin notes in notifications on Android
Pin notes and notifications.
B.D.T, A timer with in-between notifications.
TidyPanel Notification Blocker - Google Play 上的应用
Simple and minimal notifications cleaner app.
ntfy.sh | Send push notifications to your phone via PUT/POST
ntfy is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, and/or using a REST API.
xarantolus/filtrite: Custom AdBlock filterlist generator for Bromite and Cromite
Custom AdBlock filterlist generator for Bromite and Cromite - xarantolus/filtrite
ethereal-developers/OpenScan: A privacy-friendly Document Scanner app
A privacy-friendly Document Scanner app.
指南:如何阻止广告为您的APKS!太好了!:r/ApksApps --- Guide: How to block ads for your APKS! HORRAAYYY! : r/ApksApps
201 votes, 45 comments. Here's the good answers based on what 2-3 users have said on how to fully block ads on mobile: You have to use both UBO + DNS…
TechBone - Tech support with a difference
TechBone offers you interactive guides and problem solving around mobile devices. The TechBone community is available to answer your questions.
DNS66 - DNS-based host/ad blocking for Android
Personal Website
Welcome to Smartphone Tutorials — Smartphone Tutorial for the Older Population
bhanupratapys/dnswarden: Adblocking dns, Uncensored dns server and Adult-filter dns. Supports Dns-over-QUIC , Dns-over-HTTPS and Dns-over-TLS with DNSSEC enabled and no logging.
Adblocking dns, Uncensored dns server and Adult-filter dns. Supports Dns-over-QUIC , Dns-over-HTTPS and Dns-over-TLS with DNSSEC enabled and no logging. - bhanupratapys/dnswarden
julian-klode/dns66: DNS-based Host Blocker (and lightweight ad blocker) for Android
DNS-based Host Blocker (and lightweight ad blocker) for Android - julian-klode/dns66
DNS66 | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Block ads/hosts via DNS
精简 Android
Having Fun with Technology
personalDNSfilter | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
DNS request based Host Blocker over local VPN using a Blocklist
DNS + Firewall App for Android 6+ | Rethink
3B+ Android users deserve access to a safer and open Internet. RethinkDNS is a private, secure, and fast DNS resolver with custom rules, blocklists, and analytics that lets you block websites temporarily with time-based rules, or permanently through 190+ pre-defined blocklists; analyse DNS requests in real-time, read through aggregated reports. RethinkDNS is highly-available with servers in over 300+ locations across the globe. RethinkDNS+Firewall, a companion app for Android, helps evade Internet censorship as enforced in most countries, and comes with bundled with a firewall that lets you monitor and control Internet access to apps installed on your device.