Uotan Toolbox
Uotan-Dev/UotanToolboxNT: A Modern Toolbox for Android Developers
为玩机发烧友而生的全新现代化工具箱 | A Modern Toolbox for Geeks.
MiFlash 线刷工具下载合集 – MIUI历史版本
相较于小米助手的刷机功能,线刷还是偏好使用 MiFlash。特点是界面简单纯粹,有自定义高级选项,可以选择刷机不上 BL 锁,自定义刷机脚本,EDL 刷机模式等。MiFlash 也是由小米发布的刷机工具...
LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal: Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android)
Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) - LSPosed/MagiskOnWSALocal
Magisk Modules Alternative Repository
An alternative to Magisk-Modules-Repo with fewer restrictions. Now larger than the original!
saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended: Pixel Launcher Extended is a Magisk module by TeamFiles with many cool features.
Pixel Launcher Extended is a Magisk module by TeamFiles with many cool features. - saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended
Telegram: Contact @magiskmod_update
Checks updates of Magisk Modules directly from the repo as soon as its published. Support the channel: https://paypal.me/veez21
MRepoApp/MRepo: A modules manager for Magisk & KernelSU
A modules manager for Magisk, KernelSU and APatch.
/e/OS - e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - your data is your data
ECOSYSTEMKEY FEATURESGET /E/OSNEED HELP /e/OS is a complete, fully “deGoogled”, mobile ecosystem /e/OS is an open-source mobile operating system paired with carefully selected applications. They form a privacy-enabled internal system for your smartphone. And it’s not just claims: open-source means auditable privacy. /e/OS has received academic recognition from researchers at…
Overview about LeOS GSI Android 13 and above
GitHub - wanam/YouTubeAdAway:Xposed模块在官方YouTube Android应用程序上阻止YouTube广告 --- GitHub - wanam/YouTubeAdAway: Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App
Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App - wanam/YouTubeAdAway
axonasif/rusty-magisk: Magisk support layer for android-x86
Magisk support layer for android-x86.
LineageOS – LineageOS Android Distribution
LineageOS Android Distribution
pranshoe/Magisk-Monet: The Magic Mask for Android but Material You
The Magic Mask for Android but Material You.
Comparison of Android ROMs
JunioJsv/mtk-easy-su: Get bootless root access with few clicks.
Get bootless root access with few clicks.
GrapheneOS: the private and secure mobile OS
GrapheneOS is a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
Magisk Modules Repo - 100s of the Best Magisk and KernelSU Modules - Androidacy
The Androidacy Magisk Modules Repo is your go-to source for reliable, secure magisk modules and KernelSU Modules to enhance your android.
Home - DivestOS Mobile
chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix:修复 Play Integrity(和 SafetyNet)判决。
Fix Play Integrity (and SafetyNet) verdicts.
ProtonAOSP · Minimal Android fork for design and performance
ProtonAOSP is a minimal Android fork (custom ROM) focused on design, user experience, and performance, with a touch of privacy.
Home - PixelExperience
MIUI官方ROM仓库 - roms.miuier.com
MlgmXyysd/Xiaomi-BootLoader-Questionnaire: 小米 BootLoader《解锁资格答题测试》更新记录
小米 BootLoader《解锁资格答题测试》更新记录.
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Xiaomi Firmware Updater
LineageOS 下载