
Android on Wayland. WayDroid has 38 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Get Ubuntu Touch | Ubuntu Touch
Get Ubuntu Touch | Ubuntu Touch
Ubuntu Touch is the open source phone that has freedom and privacy in mind. Supported by dozens of devices, with installer for FOSS fans
Get Ubuntu Touch | Ubuntu Touch
Plasma Mobile
Plasma Mobile
Plasma Mobile
Mobian, Debian for mobile devices
Google Play 游戏 - 在 PC 上畅玩 Android 游戏
Google Play 游戏 - 在 PC 上畅玩 Android 游戏
Play mobile games on PC with Google Play Games beta. Experience a bigger screen and more controls on Google's mobile to PC gaming platform.
Google Play 游戏 - 在 PC 上畅玩 Android 游戏
Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86
Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86
Android-x86 is an Android Open Source Project licensed under Apache Public License 2.0. Some components are licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 or later.
Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86
Bliss OS For PC
Bliss OS For PC
Open Source OS for PC's, based on AOSP
Bliss OS For PC
Android on PC
Android on PC
The global community for people running Android on PC! Previously SupremeGamers.
Android on PC
limboemu/limbo: Limbo is a QEMU-based emulator for Android. It currently supports x86, ARM, PowerPC, and Sparc emulation for Intel x86 and ARM android devices. See wiki https://virtualmachinery.weebly.com for APK download and Instructions.
limboemu/limbo: Limbo is a QEMU-based emulator for Android. It currently supports x86, ARM, PowerPC, and Sparc emulation for Intel x86 and ARM android devices. See wiki https://virtualmachinery.weebly.com for APK download and Instructions.
Limbo is a QEMU-based emulator for Android. It currently supports x86, ARM, PowerPC, and Sparc emulation for Intel x86 and ARM android devices. See wiki https://virtualmachinery.weebly.com for APK...
limboemu/limbo: Limbo is a QEMU-based emulator for Android. It currently supports x86, ARM, PowerPC, and Sparc emulation for Intel x86 and ARM android devices. See wiki https://virtualmachinery.weebly.com for APK download and Instructions.