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NSFW Filter - Block NSFW content using AI
NSFW Filter is a free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content.
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META search assistant that assists with the seamless transition between search engines, providing the ability to swiftly navigate to any platform and conduct searches effortlessly. Additionally, it allows for the selection of text, images, or links to be searched on any search engine with a simple right-click or by utilizing a range of menus and shortcuts.
AutoHan - 网页简繁转换
Automatically switch to traditional Han characters (Kanji|漢字), or simplified Han characters, which the user is more accustomed to.
nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter: A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js.
A free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to block “not safe for work” content built using TypeScript and TensorFlow.js. - nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter
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