Install Manga Reader on Linux | FlathubManga Reader for local filesLinux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024Install Manga Reader on Linux | Flathub
bilelmoussaoui/Hardcode-Tray: Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in LinuxFixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux.Linux工具··Apr 1, 2024bilelmoussaoui/Hardcode-Tray: Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
ensemblesaw/ensembles-app: A digital arranger workstation powered by FluidSynthA digital arranger workstation powered by FluidSynth - ensemblesaw/ensembles-appLinux 音频··Apr 1, 2024ensemblesaw/ensembles-app: A digital arranger workstation powered by FluidSynth
JoseExposito/touchegg: Linux multi-touch gesture recognizerLinux multi-touch gesture recognizer.Linux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024JoseExposito/touchegg: Linux multi-touch gesture recognizer
Har-Kuun/OneClickDesktop:一键式脚本,可通过浏览器/RDP/VNC 访问在 Linux 服务器上安装远程桌面环境。A one-click script that installs a remote desktop environment on a Linux server with browser/RDP/VNC access. - Har-Kuun/OneClickDesktopLinux工具··Apr 1, 2024Har-Kuun/OneClickDesktop:一键式脚本,可通过浏览器/RDP/VNC 访问在 Linux 服务器上安装远程桌面环境。
Audio4Linux/Viper4Linux-GUI: Official UI for Viper4Linux2Official UI for Viper4Linux2.Linux 音频··Apr 1, 2024Audio4Linux/Viper4Linux-GUI: Official UI for Viper4Linux2
patri9ck/a2ln-app: A way to display Android phone notifications on Linux (App)A way to display Android phone notifications on Linux (App) - patri9ck/a2ln-appLinux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024patri9ck/a2ln-app: A way to display Android phone notifications on Linux (App)
Novik/ruTorrent: Yet another web front-end for rTorrentYet another web front-end for rTorrent.Linux互联网··Apr 1, 2024Novik/ruTorrent: Yet another web front-end for rTorrent
karlstav/cava: Cross-platform Audio VisualizerCross-platform Audio Visualizer.Linux 音频··Apr 1, 2024karlstav/cava: Cross-platform Audio Visualizer
pyroscope/pyrocore: :wrench: A collection of tools for the BitTorrent protocol and especially the rTorrent client:wrench: A collection of tools for the BitTorrent protocol and especially the rTorrent client - pyroscope/pyrocoreLinux互联网··Apr 1, 2024pyroscope/pyrocore: :wrench: A collection of tools for the BitTorrent protocol and especially the rTorrent client
SeaDve/Mousai:在几秒钟内识别歌曲Identify songs in seconds.Linux 音频··Apr 1, 2024SeaDve/Mousai:在几秒钟内识别歌曲
vladimiry/ElectronMail: Unofficial ProtonMail Desktop AppUnofficial ProtonMail Desktop App.Linux互联网··Apr 1, 2024vladimiry/ElectronMail: Unofficial ProtonMail Desktop App
hisbaan/didyoumean: A CLI spelling corrector for when you're unsureA CLI spelling corrector for when you're unsure.Linux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024hisbaan/didyoumean: A CLI spelling corrector for when you're unsure
Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremium:跨平台 Spicetify 主题,可整理 Spotify 的 UI 并删除所有广告。A cross-platform Spicetify theme which declutters Spotify stock UI and removes all ads. - Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremiumLinux 音频··Apr 1, 2024Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremium:跨平台 Spicetify 主题,可整理 Spotify 的 UI 并删除所有广告。
GNOME / Passwords and Secrets · GitLabA password and encryption key manager for GNOME.Linux互联网··Apr 1, 2024GNOME / Passwords and Secrets · GitLab
paperwm/PaperWM: Tiled scrollable window management for Gnome ShellTiled scrollable window management for Gnome Shell - paperwm/PaperWMLinux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024paperwm/PaperWM: Tiled scrollable window management for Gnome Shell
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温柔的猫头鹰Extract texte from anywhere with Frog for elementary OSLinux 图片··Apr 1, 2024温柔的猫头鹰
owerdogan/whoami-project: Whoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributionsWhoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributions - owerdogan/whoami-project广告拦截/隐私··Apr 1, 2024owerdogan/whoami-project: Whoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributions
francoism90/awesome-kde:KDE 桌面环境的精彩应用程序、扩展、模块、主题和工具的精选列表。A curated list of awesome apps, extensions, modules, themes and tools for the KDE Desktop Environment. - francoism90/awesome-kde软件网站··Apr 1, 2024francoism90/awesome-kde:KDE 桌面环境的精彩应用程序、扩展、模块、主题和工具的精选列表。
agherzan/yubikey-full-disk-encryption: Use YubiKey to unlock a LUKS partitionUse YubiKey to unlock a LUKS partition.广告拦截/隐私··Apr 1, 2024agherzan/yubikey-full-disk-encryption: Use YubiKey to unlock a LUKS partition
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fairyglade/ly: display manager with console UIdisplay manager with console UI.Linux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024fairyglade/ly: display manager with console UI
Awesome Linux Software | Awesome-Linux-Software🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares软件网站··Apr 1, 2024Awesome Linux Software | Awesome-Linux-Software