Liquorix KernelEnthusiast kernel optimized for low latencyLinux游戏··Apr 1, 2024Liquorix Kernel
queer/boxxy: boxxy puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files.boxxy puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files. - queer/boxxy文件工具··Apr 1, 2024queer/boxxy: boxxy puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files.
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KRename - KDE ApplicationsA powerful batch file renamer文件工具··Apr 1, 2024KRename - KDE Applications
Frogging-Family/linux-tkg:linux-tkg 自定义内核linux-tkg custom kernels.Linux游戏··Apr 1, 2024Frogging-Family/linux-tkg:linux-tkg 自定义内核
linuxmint/warpinator:通过 LAN 共享文件Share files across the LAN.文件工具··Apr 1, 2024linuxmint/warpinator:通过 LAN 共享文件
czkawka | Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.文件工具··Apr 1, 2024czkawka | Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
ahmed-al-balochi/LibreGaming:Python 程序,可根据您的 Linux 发行版下载游戏所需的软件包。Python Program that downloads gaming required packages based on your Linux Distribution. - ahmed-al-balochi/LibreGamingLinux游戏··Apr 1, 2024ahmed-al-balochi/LibreGaming:Python 程序,可根据您的 Linux 发行版下载游戏所需的软件包。
thoughtbot/rcm: rc file (dotfile) managementrc file (dotfile) management.文件工具··Apr 1, 2024thoughtbot/rcm: rc file (dotfile) management
ghostwriter - No excuses. No distractions. Just write.No excuses. No distractions. Just write.Linux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024ghostwriter - No excuses. No distractions. Just write.
Home - VinegarThe documentation of the Vinegar project, which makes Roblox on Linux more convenient.Linux游戏··Apr 1, 2024Home - Vinegar
Dundee/gdu:带有用 Go 编写的控制台界面的快速磁盘使用分析器Fast disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go - dundee/gduTerminal / Shell··Apr 1, 2024Dundee/gdu:带有用 Go 编写的控制台界面的快速磁盘使用分析器
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alacritty/alacrtty:跨平台 OpenGL 终端模拟器。A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.Terminal / Shell··Apr 1, 2024alacritty/alacrtty:跨平台 OpenGL 终端模拟器。
~martijnbraam/among-sus - Among us, but it's a text adventure - sourcehut gitLinux游戏··Apr 1, 2024~martijnbraam/among-sus - Among us, but it's a text adventure - sourcehut git
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AngelJumbo/sssnake: cli snake game that plays itselfcli snake game that plays itself .Linux游戏··Apr 1, 2024AngelJumbo/sssnake: cli snake game that plays itself
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owerdogan/whoami-project: Whoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributionsWhoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributions - owerdogan/whoami-project广告拦截/隐私··Apr 1, 2024owerdogan/whoami-project: Whoami provides enhanced privacy, anonymity for Debian and Arch based linux distributions
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fairyglade/ly: display manager with console UIdisplay manager with console UI.Linux 应用程序··Apr 1, 2024fairyglade/ly: display manager with console UI
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