
最新 Windows 11 ARM 系统 ISO 镜像下载 - 支持苹果 M1/M2/M3 芯片 Mac 安装 (PD 虚拟机) - 异次元软件世界
最新 Windows 11 ARM 系统 ISO 镜像下载 - 支持苹果 M1/M2/M3 芯片 Mac 安装 (PD 虚拟机) - 异次元软件世界
苹果在新款的 Mac 电脑上推出了 Apple M 系列自研芯片处理器,出色的性能和功耗使其大获成功!然而苹果芯片采用的 ARM 架构与以往常用的 X86 / X64 架构软件并不兼容。想要在苹果芯片的 Mac 上安装 Windows,除了需要最新版的 Parallels Desktop 虚拟机外,还必须下载 Windows ARM 架构版本镜像!目前微软已发布 Windows 11 ARM 正式版和 Win10 ARM 的 ISO。我们终于能在一些 ARM 设备 / 服务器 / 手机和新 Mac 上安装流畅运行 Win11 了……「Windows 11 ARM 正式版 24H2 (2024.10) ISO 镜……
最新 Windows 11 ARM 系统 ISO 镜像下载 - 支持苹果 M1/M2/M3 芯片 Mac 安装 (PD 虚拟机) - 异次元软件世界
fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam: Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports background blurring, animated background, colour map effect, hologram effect and on-demand processing.
fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam: Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports background blurring, animated background, colour map effect, hologram effect and on-demand processing.
Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports background blurring, animated background, colour map effect, hologram effect and on-demand processing. - fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-W...
fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam: Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports background blurring, animated background, colour map effect, hologram effect and on-demand processing.
I grew tired of shitty “Top 10 Linux distros in ${CURRENT_YEAR}” articles. This blogpost tries to be actually helpful and explains what to consider when choosing a distribution if you are a new user.
Sapd/HeadsetControl: Sidetone and Battery status for Logitech G930, G533, G633, G933 SteelSeries Arctis 7/PRO 2019 and Corsair VOID (Pro) in Linux and MacOSX
Sapd/HeadsetControl: Sidetone and Battery status for Logitech G930, G533, G633, G933 SteelSeries Arctis 7/PRO 2019 and Corsair VOID (Pro) in Linux and MacOSX
Sidetone and Battery status for Logitech G930, G533, G633, G933 SteelSeries Arctis 7/PRO 2019 and Corsair VOID (Pro) in Linux and MacOSX - Sapd/HeadsetControl
Sapd/HeadsetControl: Sidetone and Battery status for Logitech G930, G533, G633, G933 SteelSeries Arctis 7/PRO 2019 and Corsair VOID (Pro) in Linux and MacOSX
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