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aghayes/rusty_book_pirate: An application for downloading public domain ebooks from irc. Despite the name it is not to be used for illegal activities and I am in no way responsible for any such use.
aghayes/rusty_book_pirate: An application for downloading public domain ebooks from irc. Despite the name it is not to be used for illegal activities and I am in no way responsible for any such use.
An application for downloading public domain ebooks from irc. Despite the name it is not to be used for illegal activities and I am in no way responsible for any such use. - aghayes/rusty_book_pirate
aghayes/rusty_book_pirate: An application for downloading public domain ebooks from irc. Despite the name it is not to be used for illegal activities and I am in no way responsible for any such use.
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Guide to Finding Articles/Books
Guide to Finding Articles/Books
So, you need an article or book? Sci-Hub and/or Library Genesis probably have you covered! (Lee esta guía en español.) This guide, styled in the same way as the Guide to Finding Films, is designed to help locate articles and books. Thanks to Avery Mensch for the graphic above. Background What...
Guide to Finding Articles/Books
指南:从IRC下载电子书的傻瓜证明指南。图片和一切!:r/海盗行为 --- Guide: The idiot proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC. With Pictures and everything! : r/Piracy
指南:从IRC下载电子书的傻瓜证明指南。图片和一切!:r/海盗行为 --- Guide: The idiot proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC. With Pictures and everything! : r/Piracy
302 votes, 38 comments. I'm putting this together because I posted a while ago about using IRC to acquire ebooks on Reddit, and there was a metric…
指南:从IRC下载电子书的傻瓜证明指南。图片和一切!:r/海盗行为 --- Guide: The idiot proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC. With Pictures and everything! : r/Piracy