A searchable database of the Law of One (The Ra Material). The material, which was channeled by L/L Research between 1981 and 1984, discusses the law of one, the infinite Creator, the Logos’s plan, the seven densities, the two paths, and free will.
Mythology | Gods, Titans, Angels, Demons, Mythical Creatures and More
The word Mythology itself is derived from the Greek word “mythos”, meaning story of people, and “logos” which means speech. The study of these stories of creation, good versus evil, life and death, god and the afterlife is Mythology.
Type: Downloadable PDFs; Sorted: by Downloads Count. 50 Of The Most Powerful Spells On The Face Of Earth, Basic Techniques of Sex Magick, Book Of Spells, The Book and others...
Preamble For thousands of years, the oceans of the world were host to countless myths of monsters lurking in the deep. Most of these myths turned out to be unfounded, but the ocean can still be scary...
The encyclopedia of obscure cryptids, paranormal happenings, and other phenomena that anyone can edit. 584 articles since July 20, 2015. About • Recent changes
Library of Original Jain Literature and Jain Logic - with translations into modern languages! Answers logically - questions like Who am I? What is the universe made up of?
Well organised (and constantly expanding) treasure-chest of original Jain literature translated into various modern languages, along with information about the site, objectives and its authors. This reference library (of shastras-books such as Samaysaar, Moksh Marg Prakashak, Chha Dhala, Principles of Jainism, etc.) has been structured to aid navigation for beginners as well as people more familiar with Jainism.
THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY - Exploring Mythology in Classical Literature & Art
Welcome to the Theoi Project, a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion.