
OpenMD Health Search Engine
OpenMD Health Search Engine
Health search engine and reference platform indexing billions of documents from government agencies, global health organizations, and medical journals.
OpenMD Health Search Engine
DataBank | The World Bank
DataBank | The World Bank
DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics where you can create your own queries, generate tables, charts and maps and easily save, embed and share them
DataBank | The World Bank
Gun Violence Archive
Gun Violence Archive
Near real-time tweets of American gun violence incidents. Non-profit. Non-advocacy. Just the facts.
Gun Violence Archive
Cost of Shutdown Tool
Cost of Shutdown Tool
Estimate the economic impact of internet shutdowns, network disruptions and social media throttling in your country
Cost of Shutdown Tool
Мамонт. Поисковая система. Поиск в Интернете! Глобальный поиск файлов (ftp)
Мамонт. Поисковая система. Поиск в Интернете! Глобальный поиск файлов (ftp)
Мультисервисная поисковая система. Поиск в интернете по оригинальному контенту. Первая в истории интернета глобальная поисковая система по FTP архивам
Мамонт. Поисковая система. Поиск в Интернете! Глобальный поиск файлов (ftp)
Unequal Scenes
Unequal Scenes
An aerial photography project documenting inequality around the world.
Unequal Scenes
Internet Live Stats - Internet Usage & Social Media Statistics
Internet Live Stats - Internet Usage & Social Media Statistics
Watch the Internet as it grows in real time and monitor social media usage: Internet users, websites, blog posts, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest users. Visualize the total number of emails, Google searches, YouTube videos, Tumblr posts, Instagram photos, in 1 second. Historical trends, statistics, infographics and live data visualization
Internet Live Stats - Internet Usage & Social Media Statistics
Here is the latest mirror link address of sci-hub in 2024
globalEDGE: Your source for Global Business Knowledge
globalEDGE: Your source for Global Business Knowledge
Global business knowledge portal connecting international business professionals to a wealth of information, insights, and learning resources on global business activities. globalEDGE is a gateway to specialized international business research knowledge on countries, cross-border business transactions, and cross-cultural management.
globalEDGE: Your source for Global Business Knowledge