linyuxuanlin/Gallery-Portfolio: 一个简单的瀑布流摄影作品展示站,图片储存在免费的 Cloudflare R2
一个简单的瀑布流摄影作品展示站,图片储存在免费的 Cloudflare R2.
Depth Of Field Simulator
DOF simulator - Camera depth of field calculator with visual background blur and bokeh simulation.
Calculates camera depth of field and background blur and simulates it on a photo for any lens, camera and distance combination with different types of lens blur (bokeh).
Camera simulators for photography instructors & their students
Photography Mapped
Understand photography with design, interaction and animation
Depth Of Field Simulator
A New Perspective LK SAMYANG. Provides detailed information and support for LK SAMYANG lenses. You can also view magazine content and sample photos.
Be The Camera - Open Source Realtime HTML5 Camera Simulator
Learn to use a camera inside the browser. Manipulate camera controls like ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed and see the results in real time.
景深模拟器——小工具测试 DOF simulator
模拟真实镜头散焦,调节焦距、光圈及场景位置关系,实时渲染景深,并可通过弥散曲线详细掌握不同距离下的虚化效果。Simulate camera depth of field at any focal length or aperture and render it real time.Show the confusion curve for accurate understanding.
mlouielu/focal-length-simulator: Do I need more focal length?
Do I need more focal length?
Out of Focus