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Google 翻譯
Google 翻譯
Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。
Google 翻譯
The Infinite Conversation
The Infinite Conversation
An AI generated, never-ending discussion between Werner Herzog and Slavoj Žižek.
The Infinite Conversation
Pikup AI
Pikup AI
Generate your next Twitter bio in seconds.
Pikup AI
The Editing Room
The Editing Room
The Editing Room has been around since 1998 and features over 1,000 Abridged Scripts for movies. Abridged Scripts are short(-ish) screenplays for films that just cover the highlights. They're like Cliff's Notes for your favorite movies, except Cliff thinks your favorite movie sucks.
The Editing Room
The ABC Music project
The ABC Music project
ABC is a music notation format. This website promotes the ABC Music standard and offers a home for developers that write ABC compliant software.
The ABC Music project
Google 翻译
Google 翻译
Google 免费提供的这项服务可在简体中文和其他 100 多种语言之间即时翻译字词、短语和网页。
Google 翻译
Free Text to Speech - Convert Text to MP3, WAV
Free Text to Speech - Convert Text to MP3, WAV
Convert text to speech with our web based tool for free in mp3 and wav format. The TTS tool allows you to convert text to audio in various languages and formats like Mp3, wav.
Free Text to Speech - Convert Text to MP3, WAV
Finale Notepad | Free Music Notation Software for Windows
Finale Notepad | Free Music Notation Software for Windows
Produce the music of your imagination without compromise. No other music notation software offers Finale’s level of control, letting you decide both what and how you create. At every rehearsal, know that your score will sound great, your parts are ready, and you have clearly communicated your musical vision.
Finale Notepad | Free Music Notation Software for Windows
Download | MuseScore
Download | MuseScore
Create, play and print beautiful sheet music with the world's most popular notation software
Download | MuseScore
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Create, compose, collaborate, play, and print your sheet music using the world's most simple and intuitive web-based music writing and composition software.
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Google 翻译
Google 翻译
Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
Google 翻译
刷刷题官网 - 大学职业资格刷题搜题备考APP_题库错题本制作_在线考试
刷刷题官网 - 大学职业资格刷题搜题备考APP_题库错题本制作_在线考试
刷刷题官网 - 大学职业资格刷题搜题备考APP_题库错题本制作_在线考试