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Leantime - Open Source Project Management
Leantime - Open Source Project Management
Leantime: Free, open-source project management software designed for ADHD, ADD, and all brains, streamlining tasks, boosting productivity & collaboration.
Leantime - Open Source Project Management
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ClickUp™ | One app to replace them all
ClickUp™ | One app to replace them all
Our mission is to make the world more productive. To do this, we built one app to replace them all - Tasks, Docs, Goals, and Chat.
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GitHub - twentyhq/twenty: Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community. --- GitHub - twentyhq/twenty:构建由社区提供支持的 Salesforce 的现代替代方案。
GitHub - twentyhq/twenty: Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community. --- GitHub - twentyhq/twenty:构建由社区提供支持的 Salesforce 的现代替代方案。
Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community. - twentyhq/twenty
GitHub - twentyhq/twenty: Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community. --- GitHub - twentyhq/twenty:构建由社区提供支持的 Salesforce 的现代替代方案。
PingCode - 新一代智能化研发管理工具
PingCode - 新一代智能化研发管理工具
PingCode 是简单易用的新一代研发管理工具,覆盖敏捷开发、测试管理、项目集和知识库,让研发管理自动化、数据化、智能化,帮助企业提升研发效能。
PingCode - 新一代智能化研发管理工具
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abc-user-feedback,ABC 用户反馈 是一个管理客户声音 (VoC) 数据的独立 Web 应用程序,下载abc-user-feedback的源码_GitHub_帮酷 它允许您收集客户的反馈并对其进行分类。
abc-user-feedback,ABC 用户反馈 是一个管理客户声音 (VoC) 数据的独立 Web 应用程序,下载abc-user-feedback的源码_GitHub_帮酷 它允许您收集客户的反馈并对其进行分类。
ABC User Feedback is a standalone web application that manages Voice of Customer (VoC) data. It allows you to gather and organize feedback from your customers. - line/abc-user-feedback
abc-user-feedback,ABC 用户反馈 是一个管理客户声音 (VoC) 数据的独立 Web 应用程序,下载abc-user-feedback的源码_GitHub_帮酷 它允许您收集客户的反馈并对其进行分类。