Found 2174 bookmarks
Libre music sequencer for desktop and mobile platforms
Noteheads - Simple Music Composition
Noteheads - Simple Music Composition
Aimed at kids and beginners, Noteheads is a free tool for composing and sequencing music, creating printable sheet music/scores from your web browser.
Noteheads - Simple Music Composition
Japanese Resources — constantly updated! | WordReference Forums
Japanese Resources — constantly updated! | WordReference Forums
This is the collection of resources which would help learners understand various aspects of the Japanese language. If you want to have Web sites added in the list that you find helpful, please...
Japanese Resources — constantly updated! | WordReference Forums
Tuner Ninja - Online Instrument Tuner
Tuner Ninja - Online Instrument Tuner
Free online instrument tuner. Tune your guitar, ukulele, violin or any other instrument. Get in tune easily and accurately without installing anything.
Tuner Ninja - Online Instrument Tuner
Interactive Circle of Fifths Chart
Interactive Circle of Fifths Chart
Circle of fifths chart to visually help you with chords, keys & notes. Includes the minor circle of fifths & the circle of fourths. A handy music theory helper.
Interactive Circle of Fifths Chart
Gemstone Education | Rottermond of Michigan
Gemstone Education | Rottermond of Michigan
Read about the different types, cuts, shapes, and styles of gemstones. Our experts breakdown gemstones for you to help you find the perfect gemstone for you next jewelry piece. Read our guide online today!
Gemstone Education | Rottermond of Michigan
Instant chords for any song - Chordify
Instant chords for any song - Chordify
Chordify turns any music or song (YouTube, Deezer, SoundCloud, MP3) into chords. Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams.
Instant chords for any song - Chordify
Songs With The Same Chords
Songs With The Same Chords
Fins songs with the same chords. See the most popular chord progressions. See the next “most likely” chord in a progression.
Songs With The Same Chords
Nootka – … to play scores
Nootka – … to play scores
Download Nootka for free. application to learn classical score notation. Nootka helps understand the basics of music notation: reading and practicing playing musical scores. ​Long story short: the user plays notes (melody) displayed by the app, which then in real time checks if the notes was played correctly.
Nootka – … to play scores
Keyboard Connect
Keyboard Connect
Keyboard Connect is a video conferencing platform designed for piano tutors. Share audio, video, sheet music, and MIDI data for a focused, engaging remote piano lesson.
Keyboard Connect