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Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Test
Voca Test is a web applocation which let you test your English vocabulary online, vocabulary from The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), spend 2 minutes to know how is your English vocabulary level!
Vocabulary Test
Bird Migration Explorer
Bird Migration Explorer
The Bird Migration Explorer is your guide to the heroic annual journeys made by over 450 bird species, and the challenges they face along the way.
Bird Migration Explorer
我可能学的是假英语 | Samuel's Blogs
我可能学的是假英语 | Samuel's Blogs
《我可能学的是假英语》 [英]David W. Ferguson 编著 周雅芳 译 石油工业出版社 Chapter ⅠLearning and Studying 两者毫无疑问是不能互换的 learning 指的是 learn how to do something studying 指的是 study something 如 123I study Maths. I study English.
我可能学的是假英语 | Samuel's Blogs
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