小红书运营指南 3.1 版 - 飛書雲端文件
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distrochooser/distrochooser:Linux 新手入门指南
An orientation guide for Linux newbies.
English, tips, learning
Jreibun・日本語例文バンク・日本語学(現代日本語意味論)および日本語教育を専門とする鈴木智美(SUZUKI Tomomi)(東京外国語大学教授)
复合动词词典 | 日语复合动词词典
siranshen/small-talk: Language learning through small talks. Sorry, but I'm no longer providing web hosting as the bills are getting big. Please follow the instructions in README for deploying the project yourself.
Language learning through small talks. Sorry, but I'm no longer providing web hosting as the bills are getting big. Please follow the instructions in README for deploying the project yourse...
Distrochooser 可帮助您根据需要找到合适的 Linux 发行版!
Mouse Dictionary
Mouse Dictionary, a blazing fast dictionary tool best for language learners
国際交流基金 - 海外日本語教育機関調査
视频教材:语言学系列讲座(考试版)| 国立国语学院
つたえる はつおん -気持ちをきちんとつたえるための発音が学べるサイト-
(231) English with Lucy - YouTube
Click to download my FREE B1-C1 Ebook! It contains ALL the vocab and grammar you need to learn to pass the B1, B2 & C1 levels of English!📕👇
LearnJapaneseTools.com - 学习日语的资源和转换工具
Learn English With TV Series - YouTube
Are you ready to have a lot of fun learning real-life English with "Learn English with TV Series?" On this channel, we will practice and improve our listening comprehension, using your favorite TV shows, movies, and talk shows, to learn to understand native English without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles. We will teach you how native speakers really speak, with dynamic English lessons, full of humor, jokes, and real life examples of English pronunciation, vocabulary, cultural tips, and grammar. We also have the RealLife English App, where we teach you to understand fast-speaking natives, communicate with anyone, and connect to the world, at the touch of a button, for FREE. https://reallifeglobal.com/
日本語導航系統 |
跟洋妞学英语 Jackie - YouTube
大家好! 我是 Jackie。美国人, 想学习英语但零基础?没问题! 我会用有趣的方式和现实生活中的例子帮您学英语,特别是美式英语。 希望能帮您提高您的英语水平, 达到活学活用的水平 感谢您的支持! 大家一起努力加油💪! ▶合作和赞助伙伴 如果你认为你的品牌可以帮我的学生提高他们的英语水平,请联系我,我会尽快与你联系。 https://www.jackiesenglishclass.com/sponsorships Hi everyone! I'm Jackie. I am an American and I am here to help you learn English, especially American English. Let's learn English in a fun and entertaining way! Thank you for your support and I hope I can help you to bring your English to the next level! ▶COLLABORATION/SPONSORSHIP I only accept paid advertising and partnership for products or services that I genuinely believe in. If you believe there's synergy between us, then let's connect! https://www.jackiesenglishclass.com/sponsorships
Name变换君 - 快速将你的名字翻译并转换成日文名字,包括日文汉字、片假名、平假名
Online dictionary for spanish, french, russian, czech, indonesian, norwegian, swedish, croatian, finnish, danish, german, latin, italian, dutch, portuguese, polish, turkish, hindi, japanese, korean, thai, malay, vietnamese, bengali, tagalog, malayalam, tamil, chinese, telugu, marathi, romanian, arabic, urdu, slovak, bulgarian, serbian, hungarian, slovenian, hebrew, ukrainian, greek languages
(231) Daily English - YouTube
This channel will have one video a day. The videos are for ESL learners. Each video will introduce a common American English expression^^
Next Digital Library
Musicca – 学习音乐免费又充满乐趣的方式
通过提供有效的乐理习题和引人入胜的内容,Musicca 可提高您阅读、书写和演奏音乐的能力。永久免费。
Dave Conservatoire