
Reverso | Free translation, dictionary
Reverso | Free translation, dictionary
Reverso's free online translation service that translates your texts between English and French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Japanese, Arabic, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Turkish.
Reverso | Free translation, dictionary
Number academy the encyclopedia of numbers
Number academy the encyclopedia of numbers
The encyclopedia of natural numbers, random number generators, Roman numbers, prime numbers etc. All about natural numbers: basic and advanced mathematics, computing, codes and images, writing and naming in other languages, interesting data (numerology, history, culture, philosophy, biology, physics, chemistry, metaphysics, religion, distances, heights, times, crashed planes, games, ...)
Number academy the encyclopedia of numbers
The first complete language learning solution. We show you how to learn a new language from zero to fluency. Get started now.
Download | MuseScore
Download | MuseScore
Create, play and print beautiful sheet music with the world's most popular notation software
Download | MuseScore
SciDAVis download | SourceForge.net
SciDAVis download | SourceForge.net
Download SciDAVis for free. SciDAVis is a user-friendly data analysis and visualization program primarily aimed at high-quality plotting of scientific data. It strives to combine an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features such as Python scriptability.
SciDAVis download | SourceForge.net
Integral Calculator • With Steps!
Integral Calculator • With Steps!
Solve definite and indefinite integrals (antiderivatives) using this free online calculator. Step-by-step solution and graphs included!
Integral Calculator • With Steps!
Learn 180+ languages chatting with a character you design
Learn language in context - Clozemaster
Learn language in context - Clozemaster
Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context. Great post-Duolingo app and useful for language learners of all levels. Free to sign up and play!
Learn language in context - Clozemaster
Matrix calculator
Matrix calculator
Matrix addition, multiplication, inversion, determinant and rank calculation, transposing, bringing to diagonal, row echelon form, exponentiation, LU Decomposition, QR-decomposition, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), solving of systems of linear equations with solution steps
Matrix calculator
Numbr is a smart calculator combined with a notepad. You can use notes with numbers alongside each other.
Just easily snip for a formula image or upload from local, you can quickly get the LaTeX expression for the mathematical formula! SimpleTex supports fast insertion of image/MathML/LaTeX and other formats to major document editing software, which could greatly boost the work efficiency. Best of all, SimpleTex is free and developed by college student!
Pikup AI
Pikup AI
Generate your next Twitter bio in seconds.
Pikup AI
NoteTrainer PRO download | SourceForge.net
NoteTrainer PRO download | SourceForge.net
Download NoteTrainer PRO for free. Trains quickly score reading and piano playing (MIDI-keyboard) The main purpose of NoteTrainer PRO is developing the ability of quickly reading and playing notes "at sight." The program generates a random sequence of notes in the range selected by the user, and controls the speed and accuracy of their playing. Instead of random notes can be loaded not very complex melodies in MusicXML format and practice by studying them.
NoteTrainer PRO download | SourceForge.net
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Create, compose, collaborate, play, and print your sheet music using the world's most simple and intuitive web-based music writing and composition software.
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat