
Anime style background painting tutorial using Photoshop, Blender3D and After Effects
MapChecking - Crowd counting tool
MapChecking - Crowd counting tool
MapChecking helps you estimate the number of people standing in a given area. Fact check and debunk political claims during gatherings, march, and protests. #OSINT
MapChecking - Crowd counting tool
許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie - YouTube
許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie - YouTube
許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie《預健性福、遇見愛》 臺北醫學大學護理博士、黑咖灰文化創意有限公司執行長、教育部部定助理教授、美國NAHA國際認證臨床芳療師、EFT情緒取向治療三階段完訓(Emotionally Focused Therapy)。 研究領域除了臨床護理、男性尿失禁及性功能障礙等學術研究之外,也包含芳香療法、情緒治療和兩性關係等身心議題。 許博士除了在電視節目、報章雜誌、專欄上宣導醫療保健、兩性與性及性平等觀念,秉持著性慾、食慾、睡慾為人類之三大原慾,以自身教學經驗的方式,期望將自身所學,傳化成更白話、易懂、簡單的知識,大家找回原有的性福。 「帶臨床實習的過程我很重視全責照護,除了每天的身體評估、發藥、常規護理治療之外,我更要求學生必須陪伴病人、傾聽與了解他們。在臨床上,你會發現,除了醫師治療疾病之外,病人的心更需要我們照護。對我來說,護理不只存在醫院,而是人與人及社會之間,是全面的概括、需整合的治療及同理的感受。兩性與性是既存的事實、性教育並不等於性行為教育;而芳療是我面對生活的態度。這就是屬於我,許藍方的護理。」 希望大家能透過頻道、透過圖示、透過文字,慢慢理解與感受我想傳遞給你們的訊息^___^ 期望與各位的互動,分享各自的生活,對我來說,沒有教與學,只有分享與討論中的獲得與成長。
許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie - YouTube
Songs With The Same Chords
Songs With The Same Chords
Fins songs with the same chords. See the most popular chord progressions. See the next “most likely” chord in a progression.
Songs With The Same Chords
Nootka – … to play scores
Nootka – … to play scores
Download Nootka for free. application to learn classical score notation. Nootka helps understand the basics of music notation: reading and practicing playing musical scores. ​Long story short: the user plays notes (melody) displayed by the app, which then in real time checks if the notes was played correctly.
Nootka – … to play scores
Keyboard Connect
Keyboard Connect
Keyboard Connect is a video conferencing platform designed for piano tutors. Share audio, video, sheet music, and MIDI data for a focused, engaging remote piano lesson.
Keyboard Connect
Guitar Practice Routine Generator | TrueTone Guitar
Guitar Practice Routine Generator | TrueTone Guitar
Practice guitar scales, chords and arpeggios in minutes with our online guitar practice routine generator. Simply pick a guitar practice technique, and start your own customised guitar practice schedule!
Guitar Practice Routine Generator | TrueTone Guitar