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我可能学的是假英语 | Samuel's Blogs
我可能学的是假英语 | Samuel's Blogs
《我可能学的是假英语》 [英]David W. Ferguson 编著 周雅芳 译 石油工业出版社 Chapter ⅠLearning and Studying 两者毫无疑问是不能互换的 learning 指的是 learn how to do something studying 指的是 study something 如 123I study Maths. I study English.
我可能学的是假英语 | Samuel's Blogs
我发现一种无痛学英语的方法 - hayami's blog
我发现一种无痛学英语的方法 - hayami's blog
今年开始了游牧生活,流窜在世界各个角落。前几天朋友来清迈找我玩,这是她疫情过后第一次出国。重新开始说英语,就像和断裂了三年的世界重新接轨一样,变得陌生而疏远。 如果不是有语言环境,比如伴侣是外国人/工作语言是英语,其实日常可以说英语的场合很...
我发现一种无痛学英语的方法 - hayami's blog
首页 | 英语语法
首页 | 英语语法
首页 | 英语语法
English, tips, learning
siranshen/small-talk: Language learning through small talks. Sorry, but I'm no longer providing web hosting as the bills are getting big. Please follow the instructions in README for deploying the project yourself.
siranshen/small-talk: Language learning through small talks. Sorry, but I'm no longer providing web hosting as the bills are getting big. Please follow the instructions in README for deploying the project yourself.
Language learning through small talks. Sorry, but I'm no longer providing web hosting as the bills are getting big. Please follow the instructions in README for deploying the project yourse...
siranshen/small-talk: Language learning through small talks. Sorry, but I'm no longer providing web hosting as the bills are getting big. Please follow the instructions in README for deploying the project yourself.