r/ChineseLanguage:一个为学习、教学或对汉语感兴趣的人而设的社区! --- r/ChineseLanguage: a community for those studying, teaching, or interested in Chinese languages!
This is a community for people studying or teaching Chinese - or even if you're just interested in Chinese languages. Discussion of all Chinese languages/dialects is welcome! Please post interesting links, language learning advice, or questions!
Chinese-English dictionary and flashcards Trainchinese
Chinese-English dictionary for simplified and traditional Chinese with audio examples and many informations about Chinese characters, words and memorization methods. Learn Chinese on your PC, with iPhone, iPad or Android phones and tablets.
Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study)
A free study site for English as a Second Language (ESL) students with games, quizzes, puzzles, MP3 files with transcripts, listening practice, pronunciation practive, etc.
HelloChinese is the most fun and effective app for beginners to learn Mandarin Chinese. Designed with an interactive gaming approach, HelloChinese helps beginners learn Mandarin Chinese at an accelerated pace, and aids in achieving conversational fluency in no time. It’s rated 4.8+ stars on both App Store and Google Play Store, and gets ranked #1 Chinese learning app in over 100+ countries.
Learn how to read and write Korean characters using the easiest method out there! Test your knowledge with a quiz and songs with subtitles. All for free.
URDU RESOURCE LIST Join the South Asian Languages server for learning more about the Urdu Language. https://discord.gg/H2Cj6gP6RW Grammar https://www.urdupod101.com/blog/2021/03/18/urdu-grammar-overview/ http://ilovelanguages.org/urdu_grammar.php https://youtu.be/X5J_kXigPWE Urdu Grammar | Tense...
Articles on Hacking Chinese I have written articles about how to learn Mandarin since 2010, and there are roughly 500 articles in total. This page is meant to help you find what you’re looking for! I want to check the most popular articles I’m a beginner and need guidance I need help with improving a […]
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Learn Korean with our systematic curriculum, professional teachers, over 1,500 bite-sized online lessons and beautiful books shipped worldwide. Join 1,000,000+ learners using TalkToMeInKorean today.