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russianposter.ru: Русский и советский плакат / russische und sowjetische Plakat
russianposter.ru: Русский и советский плакат / russische und sowjetische Plakat
Сайт russianposter.ru создан на основании материалов многолетнего научного проекта по исследованию искусства русского и советского плаката с середины XIX века до настоящего времени
russianposter.ru: Русский и советский плакат / russische und sowjetische Plakat
Original Vintage Posters | International Poster Gallery
Original Vintage Posters | International Poster Gallery
Original Vintage Posters - Shop our gallery of 2,500 fine original vintage posters from around the globe, browse by artist, subject, country & more
Original Vintage Posters | International Poster Gallery
Russian Posters collection, 1919-1989 and undated - Archives & Manuscripts at Duke University Libraries
Russian Posters collection, 1919-1989 and undated - Archives & Manuscripts at Duke University Libraries
The Russian Posters Collection is divided into three series spanning the years 1919 to 1989: 30 posters emphasizing the benefits of communism and the first "Five Year Plan" for workers, the achievements of the USSR under communism, religion as an enemy of the people, and the struggle against and decline of capitalism; 14 placards from the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR...
Russian Posters collection, 1919-1989 and undated - Archives & Manuscripts at Duke University Libraries