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Learn how to play Guitar
Learn how to play Guitar
Learn how to play guitar with free guitar lessons, tools, apps, chord charts and scale diagrams at GuitarSix.com.
Learn how to play Guitar
C major Guitar Chord Fingering
C major Guitar Chord Fingering
Number One Guitar Chords Database System shows you all the details on C MAJOR guitar chord
C major Guitar Chord Fingering
Guitar Fretboard: Virtual Fretboard Chart with All Notes
Guitar Fretboard: Virtual Fretboard Chart with All Notes
Virtual guitar fretboard with fretboard notes, either right handed or left handed in different tunings (standard, DADGAD, Drop D, Open G, Drop C, Open C).
Guitar Fretboard: Virtual Fretboard Chart with All Notes
Online chord progression generator
Fretboard Fly | Games for musicians
Fretboard Fly | Games for musicians
The fun way to master the guitar fretboard. Memorize notes, intervals, triads, chords, scales, arpeggios and more by just playing games for 10 minutes a day.
Fretboard Fly | Games for musicians
How To Start Playing Drums | Drumeo
How To Start Playing Drums | Drumeo
Get 5 free video lessons with YouTube-star COOP3RDRUMM3R, covering everything you need to start learning the drums for the very first time!
How To Start Playing Drums | Drumeo
Get started | Learning Synths
Get started | Learning Synths
Learn about synthesizers via Ableton’s interactive website. Play with a synth in your browser and learn to use the various parts of a synth to make your own sounds.
Get started | Learning Synths
Sight Reading Factory®
Sight Reading Factory®
SightReadingFactory.com makes practicing the important skill of sight reading quick, easy, effective and fun! This cloud-based service allows you to customize and generate unlimited sight reading examples instantly, on-demand for students of all ages and abilities.
Sight Reading Factory®
Magical Music Theory Tools to Learn Music Online for Free
Magical Music Theory Tools to Learn Music Online for Free
A collection of interactive online music theory tools and piano references for notes, keys, chords and scales. A fun way to learn and retain music concepts.
Magical Music Theory Tools to Learn Music Online for Free
Music Information and Services | Music Outfitters
Music Information and Services | Music Outfitters
Your one-stop source for curated music information and resources first begun in 1998 by the Ely MN Music Store Music Outfitters.
Music Information and Services | Music Outfitters
MC Musiceditor is the free and easiest music notation software available. It is designed to produce professional scores in a user-friendly environment.
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Create, compose, collaborate, play, and print your sheet music using the world's most simple and intuitive web-based music writing and composition software.
Online collaborative music notation software - Flat
Finale Notepad | Free Music Notation Software for Windows
Finale Notepad | Free Music Notation Software for Windows
Produce the music of your imagination without compromise. No other music notation software offers Finale’s level of control, letting you decide both what and how you create. At every rehearsal, know that your score will sound great, your parts are ready, and you have clearly communicated your musical vision.
Finale Notepad | Free Music Notation Software for Windows
Download | MuseScore
Download | MuseScore
Create, play and print beautiful sheet music with the world's most popular notation software
Download | MuseScore
MusicWorks is a music scoring, recording and editing program for Windows. It can record from and playback to MIDI devices and produce beautiful music notation that can be edited, annotated, rearranged, played and printed.
A free, open-source, online chord sheet creator
Notasi Angka download | SourceForge.net
Notasi Angka download | SourceForge.net
Download Notasi Angka for free. Number Music Notation. In Indonesia and other countries, number ("angka") music notation is used mainly for vocal music. This project will create number music notator, similar to Musescore to help inputting and playing number notation.
Notasi Angka download | SourceForge.net
The ABC Music project
The ABC Music project
ABC is a music notation format. This website promotes the ABC Music standard and offers a home for developers that write ABC compliant software.
The ABC Music project
Toadflax download | SourceForge.net
Toadflax download | SourceForge.net
Download Toadflax for free. graphical front-end for editing/transposing abc music files. Toadflax is a graphical tool for displaying and editing/manipulating tunes in abc notation. It exists in two forms, Toadflax built using GTK and py_toadflax built using tkinter, the python window toolkit.
Toadflax download | SourceForge.net
Runabc intro
Runabc intro
Runabc intro