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數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
尋訪清宮流散歷史輿圖連結數位計畫」執行目標在徵 集散佚海外之清宮古輿圖,並促進國際文史典藏機構合作,以充實臺灣文史資源使其更具完整性及豐富性。至2012年底止,此計畫已自英、美、日三地攜回為數可觀之海外古輿圖數位化檔案,只因國家型計畫之結束而來不及將成果作完善地公開與應用。
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
History and Geography of Europe
History and Geography of Europe
Historical atlas of Europe. Maps of mountains, rivers, cities and countries of Europe and of the World. 2000 pictures of towns and landscapes. Antique digitized maps. Digital vector maps and georeferenced vector maps, educational softwares.
History and Geography of Europe
Open Infrastructure Map
Open Infrastructure Map
Open map of the world's electricity, telecoms, oil, and gas infrastructure, using data from OpenStreetMap.
Open Infrastructure Map
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
尋訪清宮流散歷史輿圖連結數位計畫」執行目標在徵 集散佚海外之清宮古輿圖,並促進國際文史典藏機構合作,以充實臺灣文史資源使其更具完整性及豐富性。至2012年底止,此計畫已自英、美、日三地攜回為數可觀之海外古輿圖數位化檔案,只因國家型計畫之結束而來不及將成果作完善地公開與應用。
數位方輿 Reading Digital Atlas
History and Geography of Europe
History and Geography of Europe
Historical atlas of Europe. Maps of mountains, rivers, cities and countries of Europe and of the World. 2000 pictures of towns and landscapes. Antique digitized maps. Digital vector maps and georeferenced vector maps, educational softwares.
History and Geography of Europe
Open Infrastructure Map
Open Infrastructure Map
Open map of the world's electricity, telecoms, oil, and gas infrastructure, using data from OpenStreetMap.
Open Infrastructure Map
Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? You may be surprised at what you find! A great tool for educators.
Memory Loops
Memory Loops
Memory Loops, Michaela Melián, 300 Tonspuren zu Orten des NS-Terrors in München 1933-1945
Memory Loops