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蒼藍鴿的醫學天地 - YouTube
● (現任)蒼嵐健康美學診所 院長
● (現任)蘋果樹北大診所 主治醫師
● 世界肥胖聯盟認證 減重醫師
● BOTOX美國肉毒 原廠認證醫師
● MINT神力拉提 原廠認證醫師
● 台大醫學系畢業
● 台大醫院兒科總醫師
● 兒科專科醫師
● Youtube醫學頻道及FB粉專「蒼藍鴿的醫學天地」創辦人
● Podcaster,經營「蒼藍鴿的醫學通識」
● 醫療暢銷書作家,著有「蒼藍鴿醫師告訴你:90%攸關性命的醫學常識,沒有人教!」一書
● 多所企業、學校健康講座指定講師
● 台灣醫師國考合格、通過美國醫師認證(ECFMG)
● 前台北中山醫院主治醫師
「快意恩仇俠客行 懸壺濟世醫者心」
Free Camping Near You | Go Camping for Free!
Finding free camping locations is easy! Use our interactive map to find camping near you or plan an epic free camping road trip with our trip planner.
The Meddin Bike-sharing World Map
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柏格醫生中文 健康知識 - YouTube
柏格醫生Dr Berg全球最有名的生酮飲食與斷食專家. 英文訂閱1070萬、俄語360萬訂閱、阿拉伯語570萬訂閱. 中文訂閱正飆升中... 1.柏格醫生中文 健康知識 訂閱122萬:柏格醫生中文健康知識 2.柏格醫生 簡體中文(官方頻道):
FlightStats - Global Flight Status & Tracker, Airport Weather and Delays
Track real-time flight status, departures and arrivals, airport delays, and airport information using FlightStats Global Flight Tracker from Cirium.
AskCulinary --- AskCulinary
A place to get that "one right answer" to your cooking questions!
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live - aircraft flight history
營養健身葛格Peeta - YouTube
大家好這邊是Peeta葛格 祝福各位有美好的一天。 來學習一下正確的運動營養以及健身知識吧,寫些。 健身工作室|Peeta Fitness: 美味健康餐|Peeta TakeTake: 超好喝高蛋白|Peeta Mart: - 品牌/企業 合作請洽漢普頓
FlightAware - Flight Tracker / Flight Status
Best Flight Tracker: Live Tracking Maps, Flight Status, and Airport Delays for airline flights, private/GA flights, and airports.
Cook ebooks – Download free eBooks for Cooking
FlightAware MiseryMap®
SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts
Make your Flight Plan at SkyVector is a free online flight planner. Flight planning is easy on our large collection of Aeronautical Charts, including Sectional Charts, Approach Plates, IFR Enroute Charts, and Helicopter route charts. Weather data is always current, as are Jet Fuel Prices and avgas 100ll prices.
Grocy - ERP beyond your fridge
Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. Open Source. Built with passion.
JOINUS WORLD is a multilingual question and answer website on a wide range of topics about Korea and its neighboring area.It is run by a non-profit network - JOINUS FOUNDATION (or JOINUS KOREA).
The Digital Labyrinth: Image
Travel Safe - Abroad: Find the Safest Places for Your Travel
Before traveling abroad it’s important to know what are the dangers in that area. Travel safely and enjoy your holidays! Click on...
Pestle: Recipe Organiser on the App Store
Save recipes from anywhere, set unlimited timers, plan your week with meal plans, and so much more with Pestle. IMPORT FROM ANYWHERE Import recipes from anywhere on the internet to Pestle, and keep just the ingredients and steps. Just tap 'Share', and 'Save to my Cookbook'. GUIDED COOKING Turn an…
食物热量查询,食物卡路里大全 - 薄荷网
«Еда» – рецепты, видеоуроки и кулинарные блоги
World Food Atlas: Discover 17146 Local Dishes & Ingredients
World food atlas
Coffee or Bust - Make Better Coffee, Every Time!
Coffee or Bust provide the best recommendations, reviews and buying guides about various types of coffee makers and espresso machines, coffee beans, etc.
Quiz | Do I Have Depression?
WhatMedicine is a mental health information website that helps educate the public about psychiatric medications and mental illnesses.