Statele - Guess the State!
Geograph Worldwide
Flag Guesser | The Ultimate Flag Quiz Game | Test your World Flag Knowledge
The best flag guessing game including all countries of the world, US states, coat of arms, emblems & more! Continent specific quizzes, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America!
Flags of the World |
Discover the flags of the world and get more information about all countries and known international organizations.
US Flags [dot] Design
US Flags [dot] Design is a collection of visual design guides for the flags of the states and territories of the United States. Each guide describes a flag’s history and official specifications including composition, iconography, colors, and construction.
Flag Stories
a project by ferdio
Microsimulation of Traffic Flow: Onramp
Home - Bridge Command
Home. Bridge Command Ship simulator, an open source 3d ship, radar and navigation simulator for the PC. - Schnittbildanatomie CT, MRI
Free anatomy CT and MRI atlases for sectional anatomy
Ray Optics Simulation - PhyDemo
A free, open-source web app for creating and simulating 2D geometric optical scenes.
Interactive 4D Handbook
Interact with 4D shapes and learn about 4D universes!
British & Exotic Mineralogy
All 2,242 of James Sowerby’s illustrations from his compendium of knowledge about mineralogy in Great Britain and beyond published between 1802 and 1817 and arranged by color.
RobotShop Community - Together, fostering a world full of robots that positively impacts our lives.
RobotShop Community - Together, fostering a world full of robots that positively impacts our lives.
Woodworkers Heaven
Woodworking books, magazines, plans, videos and tutorials.
Alternative Law Forum – Advocacy, Research and Litigation
Robert Mc Kee Story (pdf) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
story substance structure
Ian's Shoelace Site
If you want to lace shoes, tie shoes or learn about shoelaces, “Ian's Shoelace Site” is the place!
Learn Morse Code |
This web app makes learning morse code fun and easy with this interactive device. And of course it's totally free with no ads.
Morse - Learn
欢迎来到 - 在线学习莫尔斯电码! - Learn CW Online
Learn CW Online - a free web app for learning Morse code!
Activist Handbook | Campaigning guides for activists ✊
We write guides for activists. Learn how to become a social activist, plan a political campaign strategy, and start a grassroots movement.
Emergency and Disaster Information Service
daviddao/awful-ai: 😈Awful AI is a curated list to track current scary usages of AI - hoping to raise awareness
😈Awful AI is a curated list to track current scary usages of AI - hoping to raise awareness - daviddao/awful-ai
Welcome to the world's largest online encyclopedia of symbols, signs, ideograms, glyphs and flags - organized by culture, country, religion, and more.
Resources Search | ADL
Grassroots community supporting equitable, empowering peer learning in public spaces worldwide. Learning for the people, by the people!
The Problem Site - Educational Games and Resources
Problem Solving and Educational Games - solve problems, brainteasers and puzzles, and play educational games at The Problem Site