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Enable clients from Minecraft Bedrock Edition to join your Minecraft Java server.
James Seibel / Distant Horizons · GitLab
James Seibel / Distant Horizons · GitLab
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...
James Seibel / Distant Horizons · GitLab
PixelStacker by Taylor Love
PixelStacker by Taylor Love
Minecraft pixel art generator that converts images into pixel art. Uses double layer pixel art techniques.
PixelStacker by Taylor Love
改装的Minecraft --- Modded Minecraft
改装的Minecraft --- Modded Minecraft
The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. The /r/feedthebeast subreddit is not affiliated or associated with the Feed the Beast company.
改装的Minecraft --- Modded Minecraft
NameMC: Minecraft Names & Skins
NameMC: Minecraft Names & Skins
Check the availability of Minecraft names, look up the name history of Minecraft accounts, view Minecraft skins in 3D, convert UUIDs, and much more! Check out our collection of the best Minecraft skins for PC and Mobile! Download the skin that suits you best!
NameMC: Minecraft Names & Skins
Download SkyClient, the automatic asset installer for Minecraft, made for playing on Hypixel.
Minecraft Replay Mod - Craft your Moment
Minecraft Replay Mod - Craft your Moment
The official website for the Minecraft Replay Mod, a Modification to allow players to record their game sessions and replay them from any perspective.
Minecraft Replay Mod - Craft your Moment
Crafty Controller
Crafty Controller
Crafty Controller is a cross platform minecraft server controller that you control in your web browser.
Crafty Controller
Fork - Minecraft Server Manager
Fork - Minecraft Server Manager
A free and OpenSource Minecraft server GUI designed to make server hosting easy, clean and fast. Features allow automatic server restarts, hardware statistics, player management and more
Fork - Minecraft Server Manager
Minecraft Admin Wiki |
Minecraft Admin Wiki |
We're, the Minecraft administration wiki, written by enthusiasts and targeted to the novice.
Minecraft Admin Wiki |
Minecraft vanilla commands made easy - Minecraft Command Science
Minecraft vanilla commands made easy - Minecraft Command Science
Several minecraft vanilla JSON generators for all your /give and /summon needs. Now also with Minecraft Command Database, to easily find and edit others creations!
Minecraft vanilla commands made easy - Minecraft Command Science
A beautiful site for sharing your SkyBlock profile 🍣
Vanilla Tweaks
Vanilla Tweaks
We tweak parts of vanilla Minecraft that we believe can be a little better through resource packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks.
Vanilla Tweaks