Found 103 bookmarks
EMO: Emote Portrait Alive - Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
PastimeAthletics - YouTube
PastimeAthletics - YouTube
To provide quality slow motion videos of baseball pitchers, hitters mechanics and use them as teaching tools when working with students! Our eyes only see 30 frames per second so when you look at something at full speed, we can only guess what is really going on. When we look at it in slow motion, you are able to see exactly what is going on. Thus, improving teaching quality. I teach hitting and pitching mechanics and use my video library to inspire my students. Please use this library for the same purpose and spread the word!
PastimeAthletics - YouTube
Beyond Slow Motion - YouTube
Beyond Slow Motion - YouTube
Pro Skate Filmer • SlowMo Expert • Former Show Host on Street Science (Discovery Network) & GizmoSlip My name is Darren Dyk. I am a cinematographer with an expertise in high-speed slow motion. I've been kickin' it here on YouTube since 2006 (My original channel was Skapo) and am proud to call myself a YouTuber. I also do commercial/film work. For business inquiries, feel free to hit me up at: BeyondSlowMotion (at) . Cheers! Darren Dyk
Beyond Slow Motion - YouTube
The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube
The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube
Gav and Dan take on the world in Slow Motion! Possibly in the top 10 of slow motion based Youtube channels! If you can, watch our videos at the highest possible resolution on your device for some offensively crisp slow motion footage. For business enquiries, use the link below. All emails are read. © GAVIN FREE
The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube
幕后Muhou - AE视频模版_设计素材_视频素材_后期软件免费下载
幕后Muhou - AE视频模版_设计素材_视频素材_后期软件免费下载
幕后( - 5000万CG后期从业者资源下载平台,汇集了大量的视频素材,AE模版视频、设计素材、后期软件下载,以及动态场景素材资源,更有一批电影幕后制作人、摄影师、插画师、设计师,分享抖音短视频拍摄制作教程,AE模板视频素材制作软件
幕后Muhou - AE视频模版_设计素材_视频素材_后期软件免费下载
pr模板免费下载 Pr模板 免费Pr视频
pr模板免费下载 Pr模板 免费Pr视频
pr模板免费下载 Pr模板 免费Pr视频
人工智能驱动的电影制作 | LTX工作室
人工智能驱动的电影制作 | LTX工作室
LTX Studio is a holistic, AI-driven filmmaking platform for creators, marketers, filmmakers and studios. From ideation to production, LTX Studio enables you to control every aspect of your story, allowing elevated outcomes that actualize your vision.
人工智能驱动的电影制作 | LTX工作室
Telegram: Contact @envatofreebies
Telegram: Contact @envatofreebies
💎 Design Resources from Envato Market’s VideoHive, ThemeForest, PhotoDune, GraphicRiver, CodeCanyon, AudioJungle, 3DOcean and Envato Elements for Free! 📣 Buy Ads: ⛔️
Telegram: Contact @envatofreebies
Telegram: Contact @videohive_templates
Telegram: Contact @videohive_templates
After Effects templates as well: @Videohive_templates @MotionArray_templates @PremierePro_templates @Final_Cut_Pro_Templates @DaVinci_Resolve_Templates @Videohive_Templates_Chat
Telegram: Contact @videohive_templates
Telegram: Contact @PremierePro_templates
Telegram: Contact @PremierePro_templates
PremierePro templates as well: @videohive_templates @motionarray_templates @Final_Cut_Pro_Templates @DaVinci_Resolve_Templates @Envato_Elements_Templates @Motion_tracks @videohive_templates_chat
Telegram: Contact @PremierePro_templates
Endless funny videos await on the Viggle app!
Telegram: Contact @Final_Cut_Pro_Templates
Telegram: Contact @Final_Cut_Pro_Templates
Final Cut Pro Templates as well: @videohive_templates @motionarray_templates @PremierePro_templates @DaVinci_Resolve_Templates @Envato_Elements_Templates @Motion_tracks @videohive_templates_chat
Telegram: Contact @Final_Cut_Pro_Templates
Telegram: Contact @free_videohive
Telegram: Contact @free_videohive
Royalty free After Effect templates created by video professionals from all over the world. 💰 Buy ads: 😎 Admin: @avazkhan1313
Telegram: Contact @free_videohive
Telegram: Contact @ElementPlusFree
Telegram: Contact @ElementPlusFree
Hi! see and download all our premium resources 🤩🙌🏼 - Video templates - Stock Video - Graphic Templates - And more
Telegram: Contact @ElementPlusFree
Telegram: Contact @envatoisfree
Telegram: Contact @envatoisfree Wordpress Themes, CMS, Plugins, License Files, Themeforest, Envato Market, codecanyon, videohive, audiojungle, 3docean, and more..! all exclusive Freebies here for you directly ..!! Enjoy
Telegram: Contact @envatoisfree
Telegram: Contact @audiojungleua
Telegram: Contact @audiojungleua
Запрещено обсуждать политику, экономику и действия админов.
Telegram: Contact @audiojungleua
Telegram: Contact @audiojungle_free
Telegram: Contact @audiojungle_free
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Telegram: Contact @audiojungle_free