JungleReaderJungleReader is a free and open-source web-reader. Follow Mastodon feeds, Reddit pages, YouTube channels, and more.·zajungle.com·Oct 1, 2024JungleReader
OpenOrb - 精心策划的 RSS 和 Atom 提要搜索引擎 - Raphael Kabo --- OpenOrb - a curated RSS and Atom feed search engine - Raphael KaboRaphael Kabo's personal website and writing on programming, poetry, and academia.·raphaelkabo.com·Oct 1, 2024OpenOrb - 精心策划的 RSS 和 Atom 提要搜索引擎 - Raphael Kabo --- OpenOrb - a curated RSS and Atom feed search engine - Raphael Kabo
主页 - RSS TranslatorTranslate RSS feeds to your language·rsstranslator.com·Oct 1, 2024主页 - RSS Translator
yllhwa/RSSWorker: 运行在Cloudflare Worker上的RSS订阅生成器运行在Cloudflare Worker上的RSS订阅生成器.·github.com·Oct 1, 2024yllhwa/RSSWorker: 运行在Cloudflare Worker上的RSS订阅生成器
Colin-XKL/FeedCraft: craft your feed at ease! 轻量级rss中间件, 提取全文, 翻译、摘要一站式服务craft your feed at ease! 轻量级rss中间件, 提取全文, 翻译、摘要一站式服务 - Colin-XKL/FeedCraft·github.com·Oct 1, 2024Colin-XKL/FeedCraft: craft your feed at ease! 轻量级rss中间件, 提取全文, 翻译、摘要一站式服务
DIYgod/RSSHub-Radar: 🧡 Browser extension that simplifies finding and subscribing RSS and RSSHub🧡 Browser extension that simplifies finding and subscribing RSS and RSSHub - DIYgod/RSSHub-Radar·github.com·Oct 1, 2024DIYgod/RSSHub-Radar: 🧡 Browser extension that simplifies finding and subscribing RSS and RSSHub
GitHub - leozqin/precis: Precis is an AI-enabled RSS readerPrecis is an extensible self-hosted AI-enabled RSS reader with a focus on notifications and support for theming - leozqin/precis·github.com·Oct 1, 2024GitHub - leozqin/precis: Precis is an AI-enabled RSS reader
Lighthouse - Inbox Zero for RSS FeedsThe RSS feed reader to fix information overload·lighthouseapp.io·Oct 1, 2024Lighthouse - Inbox Zero for RSS Feeds