
josStorer/RWKV-Runner: A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.
josStorer/RWKV-Runner: A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.
A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for c...
josStorer/RWKV-Runner: A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.在线免费人性化AI文本在线免费人性化AI文本
音视频内容 AI 一键总结丨BibiGPT 学习助理
音视频内容 AI 一键总结丨BibiGPT 学习助理
AI 音视频一键总结与对话,轻松学习哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨本地视频丨本地音频丨播客丨小红书丨抖音丨会议丨讲座丨网页等任意内容。BibiGPT 致力于成为你的最佳 AI 知行助理,让你的视频看得快、搜得到、用得好!支持免费试用!(原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI 课代表)(支持移动端微信助理、iOS 快捷指令)
音视频内容 AI 一键总结丨BibiGPT 学习助理
Build your own AI app without hassle.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude | Glasp
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude | Glasp
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a free Chrome Extension that lets you quickly access the summary of both YouTube videos and web articles you're consuming. Save time and learn better with this free Chrome Extension. You can use ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, Mistal AI, and Google Gemini.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude | Glasp
Build Spirals with your voice, personality, and style to instantly start at 80% done on any repeat writing, thinking, or decision-making task.
AgentEra/Agently-Daily-News-Collector: An open-source LLM based automatically daily news collecting workflow showcase powered by Agently AI application development framework.
AgentEra/Agently-Daily-News-Collector: An open-source LLM based automatically daily news collecting workflow showcase powered by Agently AI application development framework.
An open-source LLM based automatically daily news collecting workflow showcase powered by Agently AI application development framework. - AgentEra/Agently-Daily-News-Collector
AgentEra/Agently-Daily-News-Collector: An open-source LLM based automatically daily news collecting workflow showcase powered by Agently AI application development framework.
QuivrHQ/MegaParse: File Parser optimised for LLM Ingestion with no loss 🧠 Parse PDFs, Docx, PPTx in a format that is ideal for LLMs.
QuivrHQ/MegaParse: File Parser optimised for LLM Ingestion with no loss 🧠 Parse PDFs, Docx, PPTx in a format that is ideal for LLMs.
File Parser optimised for LLM Ingestion with no loss 🧠 Parse PDFs, Docx, PPTx in a format that is ideal for LLMs. - GitHub - QuivrHQ/MegaParse: File Parser optimised for LLM Ingestion with no loss...
QuivrHQ/MegaParse: File Parser optimised for LLM Ingestion with no loss 🧠 Parse PDFs, Docx, PPTx in a format that is ideal for LLMs.
MaoXiaoYuZ/Long-Novel-GPT: Long-Novel-GPT是一个基于GPT等大语言模型的长篇小说生成器。它采用层次化的大纲/章节/正文结构,以把握长篇小说的连贯剧情,通过上下文管理优化API调用成本,并根据自身或用户反馈不断进行优化,直至达到预定目标。
MaoXiaoYuZ/Long-Novel-GPT: Long-Novel-GPT是一个基于GPT等大语言模型的长篇小说生成器。它采用层次化的大纲/章节/正文结构,以把握长篇小说的连贯剧情,通过上下文管理优化API调用成本,并根据自身或用户反馈不断进行优化,直至达到预定目标。
该项目包括一个基于 GPT 等大语言模型的长篇小说生成器,同时还有各类小说生成 Prompt 以及教程。我们欢迎社区贡献,持续更新以提供最佳的小说创作体验。 - MaoXiaoYuZ/Long-Novel-GPT
MaoXiaoYuZ/Long-Novel-GPT: Long-Novel-GPT是一个基于GPT等大语言模型的长篇小说生成器。它采用层次化的大纲/章节/正文结构,以把握长篇小说的连贯剧情,通过上下文管理优化API调用成本,并根据自身或用户反馈不断进行优化,直至达到预定目标。
EHEWON/ezwork-ai-doc-translation: EZ-Work文档翻译,人人可用的AI文档翻译助手,可以快速低成本调用OpenAI等大语言模型api,帮助您实现txt、word、csv、excel、pdf、ppt的文档翻译。
EHEWON/ezwork-ai-doc-translation: EZ-Work文档翻译,人人可用的AI文档翻译助手,可以快速低成本调用OpenAI等大语言模型api,帮助您实现txt、word、csv、excel、pdf、ppt的文档翻译。
EZ-Work AI文档翻译,人人可用的开源AI文档翻译助手,可以快速低成本调用OpenAI等大语言模型api,帮助您实现txt/markdown/word/csv/excel/pdf/ppt的文档翻译。 - EHEWON/ezwork-ai-doc-translation
EHEWON/ezwork-ai-doc-translation: EZ-Work文档翻译,人人可用的AI文档翻译助手,可以快速低成本调用OpenAI等大语言模型api,帮助您实现txt、word、csv、excel、pdf、ppt的文档翻译。
Essaybot: Free Essay Writing Tool | Essay Typer & Samples
Essaybot: Free Essay Writing Tool | Essay Typer & Samples
Essaybot is a 100% free professional essay writing service powered by AI. We offer essay formats for Argumentative Essay, Expository Essay, Narrative Essay, ITELS & TOEFL Essay and many more. Provide academic inspiration and paragraphs to help you in writing essays and finding citations. Finish your essay in 30 minutes!
Essaybot: Free Essay Writing Tool | Essay Typer & Samples