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madiele/vod2pod-rss: Vod2Pod-RSS converts a YouTube or Twitch channel into a podcast with ease. It creates a podcast RSS that can be listened to directly inside any podcast client. VODs are transcoded to MP3 on the fly and no server storage is needed!
madiele/vod2pod-rss: Vod2Pod-RSS converts a YouTube or Twitch channel into a podcast with ease. It creates a podcast RSS that can be listened to directly inside any podcast client. VODs are transcoded to MP3 on the fly and no server storage is needed!
Vod2Pod-RSS converts a YouTube or Twitch channel into a podcast with ease. It creates a podcast RSS that can be listened to directly inside any podcast client. VODs are transcoded to MP3 on the fly...
madiele/vod2pod-rss: Vod2Pod-RSS converts a YouTube or Twitch channel into a podcast with ease. It creates a podcast RSS that can be listened to directly inside any podcast client. VODs are transcoded to MP3 on the fly and no server storage is needed!
YouCaster – 像听播客一样收听 YouTube 频道 - V2EX
YouCaster – 像听播客一样收听 YouTube 频道 - V2EX
分享创造 - @PlusW - 我自己经常会听播客,一般在上下班通勤路上或者周末做家务的时候听。同时我也会看一些 YouTube 上的节目比如访谈,科普,历史,脱口秀等等。我发现很多这类节目可以完全只听音频,因为视频里也就是一个人坐
YouCaster – 像听播客一样收听 YouTube 频道 - V2EX
添加播客节目 RSS Feed 抓取
添加播客节目 RSS Feed 抓取
提供可用于泛用型播客客户端订阅的来自喜马拉雅、荔枝FM、网易云音乐、微信公众号等播客、电台节目的 RSS Feed 服务
添加播客节目 RSS Feed 抓取