A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing

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Crochemere et al, Algorithms on Strings
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Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic | Brandon Sanderson
We’re celebrating the release of Steelheart, my new novel! It’s out this week. If you missed yesterday’s post, you can read up on the book here, listen to the first five chapters of the audiobook here, and watch the trailer here. Please consider going to your retailer of choice and looking at th ...
Sanderson's Second Law | Brandon Sanderson
A few years back, I wrote an essay on creating magic systems that I titled Sanderson's First Law. It had to do with the nature of foreshadowing as it relates to solving problems with magic. In that essay, I implied that I had other "laws" for magic systems that I'd someday ta ...
Sanderson's First Law | Brandon Sanderson
Introduction I like magic systems. That's probably evident to those of you who have read my work. A solid, interesting and innovative system of magic in a book is something that really appeals to me. True, characters are what make a story narratively powerful—but magic is a large part of wh ...
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Experienced programmers and computer scientists, what are some really old (or even nearly forgotten) books you think every new programmer...
Alan Kay's answer: I love that “2006” and “2008” (in another answer) must be considered “really old” (which is what the question requests) … I’m still a big fan of the “Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual” (MIT Press — still in print). This version of the language is no longer with us, but the book — fi...
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The Architecture of Open Source Applications
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Traveller RPG, Firefly, Dumarest, Vatta's War... are they all
By M Harold Page
15 Dystopian Novels for People Who Don’t Read Dystopian Novels
With dystopian classics like George Orwell’s 1984 and Margaret Atwood’s THE HANDMAID’S TALE resurfacing at the top of bestseller lists, it may feel like the world is ending–or at least radically changing. As we imagine what the future holds, we’re reminded of these 15 talented writers who envisioned, and perhaps warned, of a future more sinister than we’d like to imagine.
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The CRM Book for Microsoft Dynamics 365 | PowerObjects
The CRM Book for Dynamics 365 is the result of a collaborative effort to publish a comprehensive online resource for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for CRM.
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Eclipse Phase PDFs | Rob Boyle
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the Kickstarter for Eclipse Phase, Second Edition! The Eclipse Phase roleplaying game is released under a Creative Commons license. To facilitate access t…