

Make Hitler Happy: The Beginning of Mein Kampf, as Told by Coca-Cola
Make Hitler Happy: The Beginning of Mein Kampf, as Told by Coca-Cola
"Make it happy!" Coca-Cola's new marketing campaign exhorts. The campaign, introduced during a Super Bowl commercial, is accompanied by a stunt through which Twitter users reply to negative tweets with the hashtag "#MakeItHappy"; Coca-Cola then transforms those tweets into cute ASCII art. "We turned the hate you found into something happy," @CocaCola chirps.
Make Hitler Happy: The Beginning of Mein Kampf, as Told by Coca-Cola
Windows 93 is Complete and Ready to Use, Try this Weirdly Awesome OS Here
Windows 93 is Complete and Ready to Use, Try this Weirdly Awesome OS Here
What if Microsoft released another operating system (Windows 93) between Windows 3.X and Windows 95? In 2015, a couple of digital artists and Windows enthusiasts from France, Jakenpopp and Zombectro announced that the Windows 93 operating system was "finally complete." They released the first version of this bizarre but beautiful art project back in October 2014.
Windows 93 is Complete and Ready to Use, Try this Weirdly Awesome OS Here