The biggest set I've ever created! The Officium is a collection of general use icons. Anything from hardware to humans, this set covers it all. These icons were created as line art in Adobe Illustrator. Enabling you to change both the color or the weight of the illustration with ease. I've also created a Sketch version of the file and included slices for each of the icons. I've already exported them to individual SVGs and PNGs. But you have the ability to export them again, any way you like.
Video: Modrotlač a horehronský spev zapísali medzi nehmotné kultúrne dedičstvo | Dobré noviny
V národnom zozname je v súčasnosti 11 prvkov, z toho sú tri zapísané v UNECSO, ide o fujaru, Terchovskú muziku a v decembri minulého roka sa tam dostali gajdy a gajdošská muzika.
HARBINGER - [POV Thriller] Lovecraft Short Film - YouTube
A man led by horrific visions to a mysterious cabin hopes to put a stop to his nightmares. An H.P. Lovecraft inspired film. If you're a Resident Evil 7 fan y...
Opening up his archives of Harajuku street style in the 90s, Shoichi Aoki reveals the story behind the groundbreaking fashion of Tokyo’s most influential subculture
Znepokojivé sochy zvierat, inšpirované najtemnejšími ľudskými emóciami – Doba Mag.
Mnohí ľudia sú toho názoru, že umenie by malo vyjadrovať a vyvolávať pocity. V tomto prípade si prídu na svoje. Beth Cavener uzatvára ľudské emócie do podoby lesných zvierat. Všetky plastiky sú vytvorené z kameniny, upevnenej na kovových rámoch. Prostredníctvom zvierat sa snaží “stelesňovať dôsledky ľudského strachu, apatiu, agresiu a neporozumenia.”
Free One Page Responsive HTML Resume Template - mRova Solutions
We are back with one more HTML Template. This time it is “One page responsive html resume template”. Just keep in mind being a free product, this template is distributed as-is without official support. Support If you have an issue and you can’t solve it yourself, feel free to comment on this post. Licence Released […]