One Page Resume

Free One Page Responsive HTML Resume Template - mRova Solutions
We are back with one more HTML Template. This time it is “One page responsive html resume template”. Just keep in mind being a free product, this template is distributed as-is without official support. Support If you have an issue and you can’t solve it yourself, feel free to comment on this post. Licence Released […]
Awful Fantasy's Awfulest Tweets of 2015 - Album on Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
All the roads that lead to Rome | FlowingData
As the saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” Folks at the moovel lab were curious about how true this statement is, so they tested it out. They laid a grid on top of Europe, and then algorithmical…
Can You Survive a Vacation in the Fourth Dimension? By Chip Rowe
Thank you for your interest in our all-inclusive travel package to the fourth dimension. Here are some of the most frequently asked…
Fine Art: Move Along. Move Along. | Kotaku Australia
Veikka Somerma is a concept artist from Finland who has worked for games companies like Applibot.
Code Galaxies Visualization
Code galaxies visualization allows you to explore huge graphs of software package managers (npm, go, ruby gems, composer, etc.)
Leonard Kleinrock's Home Page
How to become a GOOD Theoretical Physicist
C Compiler Errors (For Real). [rec.humor.funny]
Golden Waves - sounds produced by Earth, by Susan Ann Brewster
Most Reliable Hardware of 2014 - Puget Custom Computers
At Puget Systems, we track a lot of data but one of the most important things we track is the failure rates of individual components. Reliability is of our primary values, so this data is invaluable for tracking both individual component, product line, and overall brand failure rates. With 2014 coming to a close, we thought we make public a bit of this data to let you know what hardware we found to be the most reliable in 2014.
Someone made a playable XCOM game in Microsoft Excel | The Verge
Never underestimate the power of spreadsheets. While trying to learn Visual Basic for work, Reddit user crruzi created a top-down version of XCOM playable in Microsoft Excel. This version, dubbed...
Pickle cat
posted in my uber driver - Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
burgundy - word generator
Up Close, 3D Minecraft Art Gets Pretty Freaky | Kotaku Australia
Dayshot: The above gif progresses as follows: Minecraft 3D art as it's meant to be viewed, as a 2D-ish render; Minecraft 3D art in-game; Minecraft 3D art in-game, but closer. It's quite the transformation....
An Open Letter to Developers Everywhere (About Cryptography)
An Open Letter to Developers Everywhere (About Cryptography) · GitHub
Web Developer Checklist - ASP.NET
The ultimate checklist for all serious web developers building modern websites.
hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
Kickstarter >> Make the Censors Watch 'Paint Drying' by Charlie Lyne
Help me send my new film to the British Board of Film Classification.
20 Cute And Funny Puns By Arseniic | Bored Panda
Puns are a popular topic for illustrators because they offer fun and diverse topics to draw and because they're cute and clever. Monika, the US-based artist behind the Tumblr “Pundemonium,” is the latest artist to succumb to their charm by drawing tons of cute pun illustrations that her followers love.
The breakup shop - Nová služba ukončí vzťah za vás. Cez e-mail či SMS | Živé.sk
Doručovanie nepríjemných správ môžete prenechať niekomu inému. Stačí si priplatiť.
ScrotenTote: The Satchel of Life | Indiegogo
God created this satchel to hold the world's most precious cargo: the human race.
The Grammarphobia Blog: Is the diaeresis driving you dotty?
Q: Why has “naïve” survived, but not “coöperate”? Why do we write “Noël,” but not “poëm” or “reïgnite”? I’d appreciate (or appreciäte) any help you can offer on the rules for using the diaere…
The PokéCommunity Forums - View Single Post - [Resource] MrDollSteak's Decap. and Attack Rombase
This is a Pokemon forum for Pokemon fans all over the world. Discussions include games, trading card game, strategies, TV series, movies, role play, fan fiction, and trivia
Glyphs Company
Stand out from the common icon font. With Glyphs Company you can use faster, smarter, better looking SVG icons without any of the coding headache. Sign up for beta access.
English Language. - Album on Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet