The historic reels of film dating back to 1909 were discovered by Michael Grant, 56, and his daughter, Rachael, 26, in a dumped shelving unit at a recycling centre in Sidmouth, Devon.
Žatva sa mohla začať hneď, ako pomyselný štartovací rozstrel socialistickej súťaže rituálnym žmolením plných kláskov pomedzi prsty odobril sám najvyšší tajomník Ústredného výboru KSS.
Das Diskussionsforum der World of Players, einem Zusammenschluss verschiedener Seiten zum Thema Games. Darunter Foren zu Gothic (1,2,3,4), World of Warcraft, Dungeon Lords, Morrowind, The Witcher etc.
14 neuveriteľných optických ilúzií, s ktorými sa Vaše oči nebudú schopné vyrovnať
Kanadský umelec Rob Gonsalves, ktorý je veľký fanúšik surrealizmu vytvoril naozaj veľmi zaujímavé obrazy, na ktorých váš mozog odmietne prijať to, čo vidia vaše oči… ZARUČENE! :)
Obrazom: Vzácne farebné fotografie cárskeho Ruska staré vyše 100 rokov
V roku 1907 sa ruský chemik a fotograf rozhodol systematicky zdokumentovať Ruskú ríšu a na tento projekt dokonca od cára Mikuláša II. dostal železničný vagón špeciálne upravený na tmavú komoru.
Graceful Women In Dark Illustrations By Ruben Ireland
UK based artist and graphic designer Ruben Ireland produces somber yet serene images of female faces and bodies blended with animalistic symbolism. His works often portray solitary women embraced by animals in minimalist settings, conveying a sense of inner peace, curiosity and understanding whilst exploring a range of subjects surrounding life, death, love, loss, fear and serenity. Ruben's creations rely on multiple tools: from ink to food to a Wacom tablet.
Guy Kawasaki - You only need three people - Rational Comics
You know in a startup, you only need three people. You need someone who can make something. You need someone who can sell it. And you need someone to ...
This new art series, created by Alena Tkach for NeonMob, is the story of a curious kitty named Pinkerton. Told through two beautifully illustrated images, our tiny hero makes new friends getting lost in the forest, and ultimately finding his way home. On the subjects of cats and the inspiration for Pinkerton's adventure, Tkach says,I love cats and I am sure that most of people love them too.
22 Incredible Facts About The Life and Career Of Sir Christopher Lee
If Sir Christopher Lee had just been a movie star, he would still have been an icon. But the late actor, who passed away last week, had an amazing life even beyond his incredible body of work. Whether you’re still lamenting his passing or unsure why his death is such a loss, here’s 22 reasons why Christopher Lee will always be a legend.