IgNobel Prizes - Silk - searchable? db

80s Computer Hacking: A Supercut
We at Found Item Clothing love technology but sometimes it's good to consider how far we've come. We proudly present the silliest, best and iconic hacking sc...
The Great Works of Software — The Message — Medium
Is it possible to propose a software canon? To enumerate great works of software that are deeply influential—that changed the nature of the code that followed? Canons emerge over time, as certain…
People Kept Complaining This Restaurant Sucked, Look What They Found Out…
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It's A Joy To Watch This Giant Minecraft Battle Robot Move
It's called the Mega Gargantua, and if you see it appear on the horizon, it's probably a good time to run.
CSS Diner - Where we feast on CSS Selectors!
A fun game to help you learn and practice CSS selectors.
Happy Holidays on Vimeo
Credits Agency: Victors & Spoils Music: Trans-Siberian Orchestra Original Content: globaldemocracy.com
How to Tell Someone's Age When All You Know Is Her Name
Picture Mildred, Agnes, Ethel and Blanche. Perhaps you imagine the Golden Girls or your grandmother’s poker game. These are names for women of age, wisdom and d…
Random color generator for JavaScript - randomColor.js
RapPad: Write And Share Lyrics Online
The lyrics generator can generate a song about anything, including , by sourcing from original rap lyrics. The result is often hilarious.
Humpty and gravity - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Team Rocket makes R
Some weeks later, still looking at this in disbelief.
Tumblr Argument Generator
The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People | Podio
Struggle to find time for creative projects? Take inspiration from the masters.
Personal names around the world
How do people's names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, databases, ontologies, etc. for the Web?
Maps | Vaguely Rude Places
The DIY orchestra of the future
Ge Wang makes computer music, but it isn't all about coded bleeps and blips. With the Stanford Laptop Orchestra, he creates new instruments out of unexpected materials—like an Ikea bowl—that allow musicians to play music that's both beautiful and expressive.
The 10 Commandments of RPGs
More memes, funny videos and pics on 9GAG
Clever Oculus Project Lets You Live Your Life In Third Person | TechCrunch
Ever wished you could tap the "Change Camera View" button in real life to switch to a third-person view? These guys made it happen. Sure, it requires the user to wear an Oculus Rift and a big ol' dual camera rig built into a backpack — and sure, it's probably only fun (and not nauseating) for ab…
'Dub The Dew': 15 Best Names From 4Chan's Prank On Pepsi, Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew and its parent company, Pepsi Co., launched a pretty pathetic attempt for a crowdsourcing campaign on Monday, called "Dub The Dew." Essentially, Mountain Dew and Pepsi wanted customers and fans to create, submit, and vote on names for the company's newest flavor, a "green-apple-infused beverage." Mountain Dew had essentially lobbed up a ball for any decent troll, either from 4Chan or Reddit or elsewhere, to spike it back at the company. And that's exactly what happ...
See how a robot captures human faces in excruciating detail | The Verge
These are not your usual Hollywood closeups. Swiss photographer Daniel Boschung created the series Face Cartography by using a robot to take high-megapixel pictures of peoples' faces, blowing up...
Humans Are Paying Real Money To Help Rock Simulator
To most folks, Rock Simulator 2014 is an internet joke. To some, though, it's an opportunity to throw some cash at the way of the game's "development team".
Bad Programming: How to handle a fuzzy DateTime ...not.
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40 neuveriteľných fotografií z dávnych čias.
Toto sú časy, ktoré nezažil už asi nikto z nás. Napriek tomu, všetci ich pomerne dobre poznáme. Ide totiž o významné udalosti ľudskej histórie. Aj keď sme sa o mnohých z týchto momentov učili na dejepise, tieto fotografie ste pravdepodobne nikdy predtým nevideli.
5 spôsobov ako sa začať okamžite sústrediť. Na povel.
Pozriet aj diskusiu!
Guess the Programming Language | Tutorialzine
I confused javascript for brainfuck. -.-
MDwiki - Markdown based wiki done 100% on the client via javascript
Kitten-themed placeholder images for developers :3
Bloomberg Visual Data