Hack | A typeface designed for source code

Anonymous Pro font
Tools for OSForensics - ImageUSB - Write an image to multiple USB Flash Drives
ImageUSB is a free utility designed for use with OSForensics. ImageUSB is an effective tool for writing an image to multiple USB Flash Drives for mass duplication. Download PassMark ImageUSB from this page for free!
Pokemon and their Lookalikes
2135 views on Imgur
45 places you can download tens of thousands books, plays and other literary texts completely legally for free
In an increasingly digital world, literature is evolving. Sales of e-readers continue to rise, yet the cost of digital books and texts has not necessarily decreased to the extent to which many init…
Best selling books by year
The Klein Bottle Guy - with Cliff Stoll - The Numberphile Podcast
Computer hackers, Klein bottles and searching for a lost teacher - Cliff Stoll is a man with stories to tell.
encryptic – Being watched is for the birds.
Ako sa deti dokázali hrať bez mobilov? 20 historických fotiek vás vráti do minulosti
Boli to časy, keď deti ešte o mobilných telefónoch a ďalších technologických hračkách ani nechyrovali. Zábavku si však vždy vedeli nájsť bravúrnu. Svedčí o tom aj týchto 20 historických fotografií.
Graffiti from Pompeii
Interactive Map of Middle-Earth - LotrProject
High resolution interactive map of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth with timeline of events, character movements and locations.
European word translator
Translate any word from English to more than 30 other European languages, on a map
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
Dr. Memory: Strace for Windows
Dr. Memory Memory Debugger for Windows and Linux
VBinDiff - Visual Binary Diff
VBinDiff (Visual Binary Diff) displays files in hexadecimal and ASCII (or EBCDIC). It can also display two files at once, and highlight the differences between them.
Home of Hexinator - The Professional Hex Editor
Home of Hexinator, the professional Hex Editor for Windows and Linux.
Nick Kapur on Twitter
Something incredible is happening on reddit. I'm tempted to say these people have way too much time, but this is legit amazing. #RecursionFTW pic.twitter.com/mr8jHjTbnV— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur) January 30, 2019
Map - Границы России 1462-2018 гг
The Architecture of Open Source Applications
Správce domén CZ.
StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor
Full-featured, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.
Vue-powered Static Site Generator
A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
Discover .NET
Awesome .NET open source & community resources
LiteDB :: A .NET embedded NoSQL database
LiteDB : LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store database in a single data file
Unsee — Free online private photos sharing
A safe, private and temporary in-memory storage for your photos. Unsee copy-protects, auto-deletes and never logs personal data.
ZLocation is the new Jump-Location. Contribute to vors/ZLocation development by creating an account on GitHub.
GROW CUBE (BrowserGame) (EYEZMAZE --Original game site--)
Books on Trope
An index page listing Books on Trope content. We here at TV Tropes are not the first to collect tropes and try to put them in some semblance of order. If you …