

Cosplay paradise! Haco Stadium Tokyo complex has 33 themed rooms waiting for your photo shoot
Cosplay paradise! Haco Stadium Tokyo complex has 33 themed rooms waiting for your photo shoot
Last week, we took a look at the amazingly accurate recreation of a room from popular anime Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun. That’s was only one limited-time room at the awesome Haco Stadium cosplay complex, though. Haco Stadium actually has 33 permanent cosplay rooms, meaning you can make the cosplaying rounds of a Jap ...
Cosplay paradise! Haco Stadium Tokyo complex has 33 themed rooms waiting for your photo shoot
Pushing Cosplay To Its Absolute Limits
Pushing Cosplay To Its Absolute Limits
Earlier this year, five people went to Iceland with a mission: take some of the best, most unique cosplay photos on the planet. What they came home with does not disappoint.
Pushing Cosplay To Its Absolute Limits
Hi, Yennefer of Vengerberg From The Witcher 3
Hi, Yennefer of Vengerberg From The Witcher 3
We’ve seen some good Witcher cosplay lately—unsurprising, given the love folks have for the characters and their snappy outfits—but you don’t see many people trying to take on Yenn.
Hi, Yennefer of Vengerberg From The Witcher 3
Tales (Well, Cosplay) From The Borderlands
Tales (Well, Cosplay) From The Borderlands
This Borderlands cosplay from Thousand-Faces is just ungh. I love how they’ve extended the cel-shading effect, letting it run off their make-up and all the way onto the outfits themselves.
Tales (Well, Cosplay) From The Borderlands
That's Some Damn Good Fallout Cosplay
That's Some Damn Good Fallout Cosplay
Viverra Cosplay’s Vault Survivor outfit here took over a month to make, since all the leather parts (100% pigskin) were made by hand and every weapon and accessory was 3D-printed then finished and painted. Also: the pup, Rex, is a great Dogmeat.
That's Some Damn Good Fallout Cosplay
Fallout Cosplay, Pin-Up Style
Fallout Cosplay, Pin-Up Style
There are two ways you can cosplay as a Fallout vault survivor. One is how they appear in the actual game world. The other is how they’re depicted in the series’ pin-up posters.
Fallout Cosplay, Pin-Up Style
And Now For Some NSFW Witcher 3 Sex Cosplay
And Now For Some NSFW Witcher 3 Sex Cosplay
This. This is one of the reasons why I love this video game. You get a couple of cosplayers pulling this shit on any other game and people will say “um OK that’s weirdly pervy.” The Witcher 3? “This is authentic.”
And Now For Some NSFW Witcher 3 Sex Cosplay