Retro Catalog

Open Source Alternatives to Popular Software
A curated collection of the best open source alternatives to everyday SaaS products. Save money with reliable tools hand-picked for you.
Tools for Thought | Zotero
A list of resources that pertain to note-taking, PKM, etc.
A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing
Self-Hosted Dashboard Icons
A collection of self-hosted dashboard icons and logos
Wallpaper Artwork – Darknet Diaries
A podcast featuring true stories from the dark side of the Internet.
Introducing, a Collection of Self-Hosted Dashboard Icons
A collection of icons and logos for dashboards and other homelab-related activities
Game UI Database
The ultimate interface reference Tool for game designers. Explore over 1,300 games, and 55,000 UI screenshots and videos, and filter by screen category, animation, colour, material, layout, texture, shapes, patterns, genre and more!
Starring the Computer
Somebody took note when computers show up in movies, identified them, and wrote a list. Wow.
One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age Photo Op
This tumblr accompanies One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age, the Geocities research blog by Olia Lialina...
Five Books
If you're looking for the best books on any topic, Five Books has the world's largest collection of expert book recommendations.
donkuri/Kaishi: Kaishi 1.5k is a modern, modular Japanese Anki deck made for beginners who want to learn basic vocabulary.
Kaishi 1.5k is a modern, modular Japanese Anki deck made for beginners who want to learn basic vocabulary. - donkuri/Kaishi
Digitálna knižnica - ÚĽUV
Digitálna knižnica Knižnice ÚĽUV predstavuje samostatnú zbierku dokumentov knižnice v elektronickej podobe. Sprístupňuje staršie publikácie z oblasti tradičnej ľudovej umeleckej výroby, ľudového umenia a etnografie.
Jitendex is a free, offline, and openly licensed Japanese-to-English dictionary. Updated versions with new content are published every week.
casopis mikrobaze
Z Level 331
C.A.D.A. - Úvod||a aktuality
Z Level 331
ZX Magazín
Z Level 331
Command Line Corner
An archive of lesser known but useful command line commands shared in our weekly newsletter
A mechanical keyboard community resource. All vendors available to the community compiled in one place and sorted by item. More improvements to come.
Whole Earth Index
An index of the Whole Earth Catalog and its family.
RGB Classic Games
A repository of DOS games
found the link on xe iaso's blog
Modern Font Stacks
System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. The fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes — just instant renders.
loganmarchione/homelab-svg-assets: Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands
Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands - loganmarchione/homelab-svg-assets: Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands
Mona Sans & Hubot Sans · GitHub
Two variable, open source fonts from GitHub.
Remix Icon - Open source icon library
Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
daisyUI — Tailwind CSS Components
Tailwind Components Library - Free components for Tailwind CSS
Synthwave — Nihilore: Royalty Free Music
Graphics and Game Gems Database
Keyboard University