A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing

Digitálna knižnica - ÚĽUV
Digitálna knižnica Knižnice ÚĽUV predstavuje samostatnú zbierku dokumentov knižnice v elektronickej podobe. Sprístupňuje staršie publikácie z oblasti tradičnej ľudovej umeleckej výroby, ľudového umenia a etnografie.
Experienced programmers and computer scientists, what are some really old (or even nearly forgotten) books you think every new programmer...
Alan Kay's answer: I love that “2006” and “2008” (in another answer) must be considered “really old” (which is what the question requests) … I’m still a big fan of the “Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual” (MIT Press — still in print). This version of the language is no longer with us, but the book — fi...
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