

How to build a graph visualization engine and why you shouldn’t
How to build a graph visualization engine and why you shouldn’t
Deep Tech: Sometimes in life, you have to roll up your sleeves and do the dirty work yourself. It's exhausting but pays off big time. That's exactly how it felt to build a visualization engine from scratch and then watch with what speed and elegance it renders complex graph structures. So if you are thinking about building a visualization engine, stop right there... we already did it! Pay attention!
How to build a graph visualization engine and why you shouldn’t
Why is the DOS path character "\"? - Larry Osterman's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Why is the DOS path character "\"? - Larry Osterman's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Many, many months ago, Declan Eardly asked why the character was chosen as the path separator. The answer’s from before my time, but I do remember the original reasons. It all stems from Microsoft’s relationship with IBM.  For DOS 1.0, DOS only supported floppy disks. Many of the DOS utilities (except for were...
Why is the DOS path character "\"? - Larry Osterman's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs