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Watch the developer become god in this precursor to the Metaverse
Brian Peiris built a live-coding web app for the Oculus Rift that lets you manipulate your virtual 3D environment in real-time. Sure, it’s just a bunch of simple manipulation of geometry for now,...
2014: The Year of Outrage
Over 20,000 historical maps are now free to download from the New York Public Library
Cartophiles rejoice — the NYPL recently made over 20,000 historical maps from its database free to access, download, and use. The library's Lionel Pincus & Princess Firyal Map Division created an...
the latest delivery
After the success of Dear Data , we’re back with our new book Observe, Collect, Draw! Pre-order this visual journal today to document the world around you and discover more about yourself and/or life!