xkcd: Containers
All services are microservices if you ignore most of their features.
48 fotiek, pri ktorých sa vám bude zastavovať rozum
Potrebujú tieto fotografie vôbec nejaký komentár? Aký? Na čo sme sa to práve pozerali? Ako zhrnúť tieto fotografie do jedinej spoločnej kategórie? Pozrite sa na to sami. Pri pohľade na niektoré obrázky, nájdené na internete, sa človeku skutočne zastavuje rozum.
The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches
Skyrim Player Says He Went Through Hell Just To Adopt A Virtual Dog
And now, an epic tale of love and dedication only possible through video games.
Division By Zero - YouTube
The Casio Personal-Mini Calculator attempts to divide by zero and the iPod calculator thinks that a number divided by zero is equal to zero. See "Division by...
10 Funny Book Dedications That Actually Got Published
Sometimes, authors get bold, and instead of constructing a “proper” dedication, they write words that are unorthodox, honest and often humorous.
Jeden obyčajný deň v živote nácka
Zo života "frustrovaného voliča"
(3) Celebrate May the 4th with some force humor (37 Photos) : theCHIVE
See the full gallery on thechive.com
Graffiti from Pompeii
entrian.com - goto for Python - goto for Python
Awful Fantasy's Awfulest Tweets of 2015 - Album on Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
C Compiler Errors (For Real). [rec.humor.funny]
21 středověkých memů, aneb internet przní historické malby
Exquisite Tweets from @glassbottommeg
There has to be an easier way!
Hilarious & Badass Pokemon Fusions
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Happy Darwin Day Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
So you're MAD about something on the Internet...
Good news, bad news, best news