GitHub - lilipads/gradient_descent_viz: interactive visualization of 5 popular gradient descent methods with step-by-step illustration and hyperparameter tuning UI
interactive visualization of 5 popular gradient descent methods with step-by-step illustration and hyperparameter tuning UI - lilipads/gradient_descent_viz
How to build a graph visualization engine and why you shouldn’t
Deep Tech: Sometimes in life, you have to roll up your sleeves and do the dirty work yourself. It's exhausting but pays off big time. That's exactly how it felt to build a visualization engine from scratch and then watch with what speed and elegance it renders complex graph structures. So if you are thinking about building a visualization engine, stop right there... we already did it! Pay attention!
Evolution Of Webdesign
The Evolution Of Webdesign is a collection and imitation of Webdesign Trends from 1991 to 2015.
Interactive Map of Middle-Earth - LotrProject
High resolution interactive map of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth with timeline of events, character movements and locations.
Map - Границы России 1462-2018 гг
The incredible palindromic hat-trick
Wow, the beauty of math and clickbait combined into one! :D
Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python — Altair 2.0 documentation
IDEA – nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions
IDEA is a series of nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions, created by Sándor P. Fekete, Sebastian Morr, and Sebastian Stiller.
How technology has changed over the last three decades - Washington Post
Neural Network Evolution Playground with Backprop NEAT | 大トロ
The Python Graph Gallery – Visualizing data – with Python
Visualizing data - with Python
Network Effect
Network Effect explores the psychological effect of Internet use on humanity.
Visdown - Markdown for Visualisation
Algorithm Visualizer
Tool for visualizing algorithms.
Blockchain Graveyard
A list of all massive security breaches or thefts involving blockchains.
Kung Fu Motion Visualization on Vimeo
When working on this project, I was deeply inspired by the dynamics of motion and philosophy of Kung Fu. Masters: Lee Shek Lin, Wong Yiu Kau. Visualizing the invisible is always fascinating, and motion visualizations have been created even in pre-digital times with light, photography, costumes or paintings. I have described some of the methods that I applied in this work in my book "Grids for the Dynamic Images", published 2003.
Rosetta Interactive 3D Model
Pokemon pixel color graphs! 649 pokemons. Watch them in glorius 3D column graphs, pie charts and standard column charts. Gotta watch them all!
-ach, -ingen, -zell A visual exploration of the spatial patterns in the endings of German town and village names.
Punctuation in novels — Medium
When we think of novels, of newspapers and blogs, we think of words. We easily forget the little suggestions pushed in between: the…
Chronas: History
Chronas is a history project linking Wikipedia to a dynamic map with a time slider.
All the roads that lead to Rome | FlowingData
As the saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” Folks at the moovel lab were curious about how true this statement is, so they tested it out. They laid a grid on top of Europe, and then algorithmical…
Code Galaxies Visualization
Code galaxies visualization allows you to explore huge graphs of software package managers (npm, go, ruby gems, composer, etc.)