45 places you can download tens of thousands books, plays and other literary texts completely legally for free
In an increasingly digital world, literature is evolving. Sales of e-readers continue to rise, yet the cost of digital books and texts has not necessarily decreased to the extent to which many init…
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Books on Trope
An index page listing Books on Trope content. We here at TV Tropes are not the first to collect tropes and try to put them in some semblance of order. If you …
SF For Nothing, Stories For Free - Charlie's Diary
Being a Data Scientist: My Experience and Toolset · Jefferson Heard
Personal and professional website of Jefferson Heard
The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches
7 command-line tools for data science
In this post I would like to share seven command-line tools that I have found useful in my day-to-day work as data scientist. The tools are: jq, json2csv, csvkit, scrape, xml2json, sample, and Rio.
Kde nájsť obrázky zadarmo pre váš web | WebSupport blog
Slovenským firemným webom ešte stále kraľujú fotky nadšených ľudí tlieskajúcich na poradách, reštaurácie sa vo svojich materiáloch hrdia tým istým obrázkom pizze a viaceré spoločnosti používajú obrázok jednej “smiešnej” žaby na svojich billboardoch už roky. Tomu sa hovorí čaro platených obrázkov z databáz. A teraz si predstavte, že svojmu webu dožičíte trochu viac emócie a […]
Website for Dr Tim Lomas, lecturer and author in positive psychology
Kontrolní seznam frontend kodéra
Co všechno by měl webový kodér zkontrolovat než odevzdá svou práci?
Most bang-for-buck things every intern should know... -
An Open Letter to Developers Everywhere (About Cryptography)
An Open Letter to Developers Everywhere (About Cryptography) · GitHub