The ultimate interface reference Tool for game designers. Explore over 1,300 games, and 55,000 UI screenshots and videos, and filter by screen category, animation, colour, material, layout, texture, shapes, patterns, genre and more!
A soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited! We are a community-driven color scheme, perfect for coding, designing, and more. Explore our color palettes, discover our wide range of ports, and view our vibrant community.
System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. The fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes — just instant renders.
loganmarchione/homelab-svg-assets: Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands
Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands - loganmarchione/homelab-svg-assets: Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands
Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.
Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover. Download free ebooks with professional-quality formatting and typography, in formats compatible with your ereader.
The main purpose of this tool is to help with building a color palette and generate tints and shades based on it. Just pick a color, and the app does the rest. You can use the preselected colors or the color picker for more control.
Původní dům v Grishipolu na ostrově Hebridean Coll byl postaven v roce 1700 Macleanem Collem. Jednalo se o první vápencově postavený dům na ostrově. Díky tomu získal neformální název „Bílý dům“, jelikož se odlišoval od typických černých domů, které byly na ostrově považovány za běžné. Majitelé dům opustili v polovině 18. století, bylo to v době, kdy se tento dům, postavený na písku, začal rozpadat. Naštěstí se ho po mnoha letech ujali architekti, kteří z ruiny udělali dokonalé bydlení.