In the future, every single pipeline will lead to the bowl of a giant blender, and we'll all just show up with a bucket each day to take our share of the resulting smoothie.
“Steampunk” Infographics Beautifully Combine Past and Present
When information graphics designers also look to the past for inspiration, the result – something I'll call "steampunk infographics" – tells us a lot about the past and present of information visualization.
A Stick Figure Guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
(A play in 4 acts. Please feel free to exit along with the stage character that best represents you. Take intermissions as you see fit. Click on the stage if...
After the success of Dear Data , we’re back with our new book Observe, Collect, Draw! Pre-order this visual journal today to document the world around you and discover more about yourself and/or life!
The BBC has a fun piece that shows changes over your lifetime. Enter your date of birth, gender, and height, and you get personalized data nuggets, categorized by how you changed, how the world cha…