Interactive Map of Middle-Earth - LotrProject
High resolution interactive map of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth with timeline of events, character movements and locations.
European word translator
Translate any word from English to more than 30 other European languages, on a map
Map - Границы России 1462-2018 гг
NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive
Web map application IS CS - Information System of Contaminated Sites
Central Intelligence Agency’s albums - maps | Flickr
CIA released decades of classified maps
-ach, -ingen, -zell A visual exploration of the spatial patterns in the endings of German town and village names.
All the roads that lead to Rome | FlowingData
As the saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” Folks at the moovel lab were curious about how true this statement is, so they tested it out. They laid a grid on top of Europe, and then algorithmical…
Interrupted Maps
Over 20,000 historical maps are now free to download from the New York Public Library
Cartophiles rejoice — the NYPL recently made over 20,000 historical maps from its database free to access, download, and use. The library's Lionel Pincus & Princess Firyal Map Division created an...
Mapsburgh by Mapsburgh on Etsy
Fantasy-stye maps of real places